What the?.....

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      Collin was chilling in his room and making a new invention. He went down stairs for breakfast and smiled at the kids playing in the rain. "They sure are energetic, its honestly quite funny." he said as the rain ended and he went outside. He smiled at the sun as he put the spectacles that he created. "Now the sun is not hurting my eyes." he said as went to the store and went home. 

        This was his normal day, nothing was wrong, nothing was out of place, nothing was weird. Well... until about three weeks from that day. He had just finished is invention and smiled at he work. he went downstairs and saw his parents "Hey Mom and Dad?" he asked "Yes?" they responded "May i go to the park?" he asked them "Sure" they responded

So he went to the park and played around with the little kids since he always found that quite fun. he walked over to his friend's house while enjoying the wonderful city he lived in. everything in the city, be it the clocks or the lights, were all invented by, someone who cared for others. he got to his friends house and knocked on the door. An hour or two later he left with a lot of food and a abundance of sweets. He went home and fell asleep.

The next day he woke up on a beach in a very unusual place. He freaked out and looked around. All he saw was his bag of candy and his invention. He grabbed them and released that he was in a pool of water and had rusted. He yelled out for someone to help him. After a while he saw a guy pull up in a car. The man stepped out and was wearing a flannel and jean. he felt so revealed.

(check  for her side of the story)

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