Second Meeting Pt. 2 ☺️

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Denki Kaminari


I was hanging out in the library during one day, because I know my friends won't set foot in this place until U.A. starts up again. I was reading one of my favorite books for the twelfth time when I overheard a conversation from two aisles over. 

"I swear she was her last week, Mineta! I'm hoping she's here." Whoever he was talking to started laughing hysterically.

 "Whatever, Kaminari. You're gonna be alone forever." At this point, the two had made it those two aisles.

 " Oh SHIT-" He exclaims while ducking behind one of the book shelves. "Did she see me?" I                lightly chuckle and walk over to the book shelf. "I can hear you too, genius." He blushes like a mad-man and scurries to get off the floor. " Hey girl, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call fine print." 

POV Nobody

That's when heat rushed to your face because, that was the second time that he used a pick-up line on you and you haven't even gotten a chance to yet! It caught you so off guard that you accidentally bumped into one of the shelves.

Long situation short, Denki helped you fix the shelf, you guys then bolted out of the library. You also exchanged phone numbers too.

Tenya Iida

POV Iida

(This is after the Stain Arc) 

The bell had rung which signaled the start of our free period. So Uraraka, Midoriya and I decided to head down to the support studio to make some requests with our hero costumes.  We kept small talk as we walked through the hallway until we almost reached our destination. That's when Midoriya and Uraraka started sprinting toward our destination.

"Midoriya! Uraraka! No running in the halls!" I yell at them for violating school rules. They may be  my friends but that doesn't men that they are above the rules at school.

But, as the saying goes, karma is a mean mistress. As they got to the door, the entrance exploded, causing them to fly back... Why does that happen every time we get over here? 

As the smoke cleared, there was someone that ran through the now damaged entrance to the studio. Didn't she volunteer at the hospital Tensei was at? Oh, right! she was the girl that said we should look for each other at lunch...

I made it to the now destroyed entrance and scolded them a bit more before I turned my attention to the girl. "Oh-Hi, I'm-" she was interrupted by me "Y/n, correct?"


She blank stared at him for a second or two before responding. " Yep! And sorry for the out of nowhere introduction thing when your brother was in the hospital...That was kind of awkward." He shook his head and said, "It's alright, besides I am also quite awkward myself. And I was wondering if you might want to spend lunch with my friends and I?" 

She had stars in her eyes at the though of gaining new friends. She dreamily answered him "I would love that!"

And when lunch time came around, she hung out with the Dekusquad and made new friends! She was also scheduled to have lunch with them for the rest of the year after that.

Hitoshi Shinsou


I was locking up the shop after my night shift, which was a pain in the ass by the way. Doesn't help that the shop is only open during the night and early morning. Anyway, after locking up, I went on my way toward U.A. because sleep is for the fucking wEaK. 

I was walking down the road when I come across a cat. Like any normal person, my immediate instincts are to go and pet it. My hands reach for its' soft fur and ended up meeting another hand.

 Startled, I yank my hand away and shoot my head up to see the same guy from a week ago! 


"Hey! It's you...Shinsou, right?" he smirks and says, "Yep. (Y/N), isn't it?" you nod in response. "So where are you headed to?" you ask, going to pet the cat once again. "U.A., you?" laughing at the coincidence, you respond with "The same actually." 

His eyes then meet yours and he chuckles. He then stands up and asks if you want to walk with him. You comply and now its a tradition to walk with each other to school!

Shota Aizawa


Today, Nemuri decided that we were gonna go find stuff for camping because she has this idea in her head that she can handle camping...She can't. Anyway, we were in (Camping store name) and she was going on and on about how awesome it was gonna be. I'm honestly tired of it by now so I am tuning her out.

 Going down the aisles looking for things that we might need, we get to the sleeping bag aisle. Luckily, there was a familiar face in the aisle. "Hey, Nemuri. Look, It's Aizawa." That got her to FINALLY shut the fuck up and rush toward her friend. "Wow Shota! You're not in your sleeping bag for once!" She shouts as she hugs him. 

His face went from tired to sick of that shit already. I look at him with empathy and sigh.  "Sorry pal, Didn't think she was gonna yell like that." you say. He waves it off and says, "It's fine. I deal with this all the time." 

You guys kept talking for a bit before you had all agreed that you needed to leave. But before you two had left, you gave him your number just in case Nemuri had forgotten her phone or something else.

GOOOD, It took me forever to actually get this one done. I am very very very sorry! But Anyways, I hope you like this chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day and I love you allllll i swear it. See you guys in the next chapter I post.

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