Infernus Moves (Part 3)

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Infernus screamed in agony, whilst the Captain kept twitching.

"Captain, what are you doing?" yelled Trilby over the loud roar that was Infernus screaming, the Enigmus burning, and the wind swooshing as the entered a cave. Estuans Cavernis, to be precise. The Burning Caves.

"I know a way to kill Infernus and not me!"

"In malam rem omnes!" roared Hellfire, who was now burning less and less. The Captain instructed for the crew to circle around Infernus.

So they did. And as the fire grew dimmer, it went back inside the Captain, a little tiny spark, as Ami dropped to the ground, puny and white as a ghost. The Captain couldn't talk, and she couldn't walk, she just... stood there. No one knew what to do.

Finally, they were out of the Burning Caves. The Captain gasped for air and threw herself on the mantle, breathing heavily. She was almost as pale as Ami. But there was no more burning hair or fangs or any fire at all.

"What just happened?" asked the Imagination Queen, standing close to the Captain, who looked like she would throw up any second.

"Amicitia." The Captain finally spoke.

"What?" questioned Miss Trilby, who was now by Ami's side with Winter, hoping to get her back to normal.

"Friendship. Me and Infernus are one. We're a part of each other. She is me. We both gained friendship. She cannot have it, but I can. Therefore, by having friends, she'll say down and your sarcastic ol' Captain will rise."

Everyone chuckled at this comment, 'the Captain will rise'? Good choice of words there, Captain.

Ami stirred. "Are you all laughing at my death?" she joked, and everyone looked at her and smiled. They were both back!

Ami stood up and shook herself off. They all stared at her.

There was something different. Trilby gave her a hand mirror.

She raised an eyebrow and looked into a mirror.

I've never seen a pirate with red hair before.


Look! An ending! A humourous one, too.

Okay, no, Hellfire isn't back. Ami just has red hair now.

It's funny... because... must I explain every joke to you? You get it, right?

Do you get the friendship thing?

Anyways, I'm done. XD

No more cliffhangers!


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