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Tick tock, tick tock.

The chimes have been endless,

All coming from the clock.

They're making me restless.

It's almost 11:11.

I've had so much time to think,

I've felt like this since 7.

It feels like I'm on a brink.

It's 11:11 now.

My blood is running cold.

Something will happen, I'm not sure when or how.

I don't like this, I feel old.

It's time.

Time to make a wish.

There's another chime,

Just as I barely finish.

I wish I'd stop being so paranoid.

It's done.

I didn't feel any relief, I just felt void.

"This is just the beginning, I haven't had any fun."

That's what the voice said,

Before I was pulled into the darkness.

It's too late, I'm dead.

I shouldn't have been so careless.

(A/N: I don't like this so much anymore, but it wasn't bad considering I was barely 13.5 while writing it. I'm only keeping it up because I want to write a short story or fanfiction based off of it.)

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