Those Dark Irises

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By now, it's come into focus-
There's a bouquet of flowers.

People surround it,
Gazing at the red roses with admiration,
Marveling at the beauty of the white daisies,
Staring in wonder at the lavender orchids,
But merely glancing at the black blossoms.

The gardener is surely proud of all that he has grown,
But what he's proud of the most-
It's underappreciated.

They might not have taken as much time or effort,
But there's something about these dark flowers,
That makes this gardener smile-
Even if it's bittersweet.

For gardening is something this person finds rare and precious,
And they wouldn't trade it for anything,
Yet, sometimes they just want those black irises to be loved.

(A/N: No comment, but I really like this for no reason.)

Dark Irises Among Soulless VoidsWhere stories live. Discover now