🔆~> Part 2<~🔆

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~Your POV~
I wake up in a cave this scares me knowing I'm not in the tower it does calm me down a little knowing I'm not there but as I'm looking around I realize there's no sign of Erza, Jellal, Simon, Millianna, or Shō.I sit up ignoring the bruises and gashes in the corner of the cave is a Dr-....WAIT A MINUTE i-i-is that a...D-d-dragon? The dragon was black with dark cyan...marks? He had dark blue eyes he saw I was awake and motioned for me to come over to him ( can he even do that idk ._.) I slowly made my way over to him he introduced himself as Acnologia The Dragon King I started to talk to him I miss Jellal Erza Simon Shō and Millianna. But Aconologia is like my father he helps me train and improve my skills. He's teaching me Different types of Dragon Slayer Magic's it's fun training with him but very tiring!
~Time Skip~
I woke up the date was July 7th, X777 Aconologia greeted me and told me this " Y/N...I think your training is pretty good..I think it's best if you join Fairy Tail that guild you always go on and in about.." This shocked me I was happy about it but...Still! " B-but...I mean it's my dream but...what about you?!" I asked, " I'll be fine we'll meet again.." he said. I agreed knowing he probably was up to something. We said our goodbyes it was very very sad..I cried but didn't let him see it
~Time skip~
I had gotten to Fairy Tail already a little faster that I expected I'm right outside the doors a familiar voice and scent fills my nose I ignore it look down at what I'm wearing and adjust it

(Kinda lame sorry it's this except your around like 8 or 9 years old so your kinda short)I open the doors and a table immediately came flying my direction I screamed and formed a shield made of pure light I'm glad Aconologia had taught me differen...

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(Kinda lame sorry it's this except your around like 8 or 9 years old so your kinda short)
I open the doors and a table immediately came flying my direction I screamed and formed a shield made of pure light I'm glad Aconologia had taught me different dragon slayer Magic's when I look up I see the table was cut in pieces I began panicking " Omg I'm so so sorry!" I made my shield disappear only to be met by a boy with black hair he questioned me " Who are you bat man?" I took off my cloak "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself!"

(Kinda lame sorry it's this except your around like 8 or 9 years old so your kinda short)I open the doors and a table immediately came flying my direction I screamed and formed a shield made of pure light I'm glad Aconologia had taught me differen...

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(What you wore underneath h/l = hair length)
My hair h/l h/c hangs down
" Hi! I'm Y/N!" You look around you see a familiar red head...she's crying she was in a corner of the guild "Y/N!" Erza came running up to you. You were shocked to see her but trying to be tough and all you try to hold in your tears but feel your tears fall down your cheeks the tears felt like small knifes pricking at your skin When Erza reaches you she gives you a warm hug you hug her back she buries her face in my hair wetting it " Erza...I found you.." I managed to choke out you could feel her smile in your hair (idk can you do that ._.) " I never thought I'd see you again!" She said
~Grays POV~
Wait Y/N....Erza mentioned a Y/N before...She's right...She's really pretty! Like..really pretty..I could feel my cheeks getting red I turned around and saw Cana looking at Y/N all lovey dovey like she would stop occasionally stop to drink her apple juice this made me mad I don't know why but it did! (Jealous much)but I was shocked Erza was so close with someone she's usually alone and quiet
~Your POV~
Erza and I are still hugging she's even prettier then she was when we were younger! AH jeez what am I saying I need to calm down! She's hugging me so tight it feels like she's holding me down so I don't float away or something I gently patted her back trying to signal to her to let go.But she only holds on tighter If anyone looked at me they could see me crying anime tears

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