Chapter 2

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My life was hard growing up I never had a childhood or an education. My whole life I could never talk I could only understand that's all my "dad" let me do. I understand Spanish cause of being a machine for the cartel but never spoke it. I would always think after a mission 'what did I just do' or 'what is going on' the cartel would only look at me as a their weapon. I was trained off of looks and signals I was trained like an object cause that was all I was to them an object.
After lunch nothing really happened. I went back to my cell and stared at the wall. As I was in the middle of doing just that I heard a bang on what sounded like the other side of the concrete wall. "Ahhhhhh" was the next sound I heard I get worried that a muti tried to use there powers with the collar on. "We got an escapist over here haha" I here a guard say the 'person must have not gotten far' I think to my self. Next thing I hear is my door open and in comes a guard with Porlaris and just through her in. She looks rough she's bleeding and looks just tired. "Hey Flower" she says in a low whisper and all I can do is wave I get down from my bunk and she looks at me almost scared and she backs up a little as I get closer to her land out my hand to help her up she gives my hand a weird look I wish I could say some thing I try my hardest and I could muster was "me no hurt you" after that she looks at me like she's trying to read me she then grabs my hand and I place her in her bunk I walk over to the little sink get a towel and wet it for her then give it to her, "thank you" all I do was look at her and climb back on my bunk and now stare at the ceiling letting sleep over take me.
I stare at the bunk over me confusion. This girl has been through bad situations that some of us could never think of going through and she still showed me kindness. I have to get her out of here with me she shouldn't have to live like this any longer she's had enough. I think back on Marco and wonder how he's doing me not being there but I also think back on Reed Strucker and he's kids, god I hate thinking I can't wait to get out of this place and all I know is I'm not leaving with out Flower.

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