New school

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It's the first day of school you just moved to Washington, you didn't know anyone. You and your mom had to move because of her work. Let's get started

5:00 * alarm*
Y/u: ughh I don't wanna go to school
   *Mom walks in*
Mom: get your ass up says * laughing*
Y/u: not funny
*mom walks out*
You check your phone, your old friend bryanna texts your saying she hopes you have a good first day. You just turn off your off and walk to the bathroom. You wash your face, and put on makeup. And wear a crop top and jeans.

You put in your backpack and get in your car. On the way to school you wanted to call your old friend bryanna. She wouldn't answer so you put down your phone and counted to drive.
You get to school and see a really hot guy. He just walk pasted him like you didint see him. You go to the office and get your paper to see your classes. First you have math, to sit in the back hoping no one would sit by you. You hear to guys talking
???: who's the new girl
??: I don't know but she's fine
???: let's go sit by her

Your now sitting in the middle of them they keep looking at you so you say
Y/u: can I help you 2?
??: oh hey I'm Carlos
???: I'm Alex
Y/u: not what I asked, can I help you guys keep looking at me.
Alex: oh sorry but are you new or something?
You: yeah I just moved here
Carlos: dang your really cute, you have ig?
You: yeah what's yours?
He gives you his ig you see he has a lot of followers
Carlos: dang your so fine on ig and in person
Alex looks mad
*bell rings*
You: see y'all later

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