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Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all so much for over 800 reads! This means so much to me, I'm just a six-sweep old fangirl! I'm proud to be continuing to update the book, and thank you all for commenting your questions! I LOVE YOU ALL, MY LOVELIES!!!

...and now for the question.


Hey signless. Since y9ure my anscest9r, I want t9 ask y9u s9mething, why d9 pe9ple c9mpare me t9 y9u? I mean they say I'm awes9me like y9u.

SIGNLESS: 9h hi there Scarlet! I d9nt really kn9w why pe9ple c9mpare us, t9 be h9nest. I didn't even kn9w they c9mpared us... seri9usly, pe9ple think I'm awes9me? Anyway, I have t9 say y9ure awes9me th9ugh, and if w9rd is that we're alike, then I have t9 say that's a g99d thing : )

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