August 25th (2010)

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A cold cup of tea with 9 melted sugar cubes stood still and irritatingly full at the kitchen table of the SPK Headquarters. It had stayed there since the morning of the previous day, whose celebrator had made it for the much-desired visitor who in the end, didn't come. Nonetheless, the celebrator waited. He waited even after he ceased being considered a celebrator, as the 25th August succeeded the 24th.

Now though, sitting at the table oppositely of the irritatingly full cup, he decided he had waited enough. It was 9 o'clock in the morning and the members of his team were already waiting for him downstairs, in the Investigation Room. He would soon listen to Gevanni's footsteps climbing the stairs, to ask him if he's feeling alright.

The visitor wouldn't come. Not the same day next year, not ever. And time seemed to him like the best possible human invention, if only there was a way for the remaining time until he was reunited with his longed visitor to be counted.

The footsteps weren't late to be heard.

"You had a tendency of making promises you couldn't keep". Near said and got up from the table.

The sight of the still full cup caused his sadness to be combined with a mild frustration. He lifted the cup along with its small plate and poured the brownish liquid into the sink.

Gevanni arrived.

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