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most of the time, the universe speaks to us very quietly ... in pockets of silence, in coincidences, in nature, in forgotten memories, in the shape of clouds, in moments of solitude, in small tugs at our hearts ...

your illustrated guide to becoming one with the universe, yumi sakugawa

The world is grey with faded memory, cloudy and stuffed up with cotton Jihoon can't seem to get out of his eyes. He's exhausted himself mentally, he can't keep up anymore, he needs a break -

And that's how he meets Soonyoung. That's how his world turns from grey to something lighter, something kinder; it's how he can say he feels happy for the first time in months.

There's always more to the story, though, and Soonyoung's got a lot hiding behind him. Jihoon just needs to find it.

playlist : TAKE ME BACK TO FALL 2019!11!!!, on spotify // user: conphused

hi !!! i actually started this way back in march, but i wanted to try writing ahead a bit so my updates wouldn't take 5 years - in the end it took me a solid 5 months to write 3 chapters (oops) BUT i rlly wanted to share this so !!! i'm just gonna go ahead and post it !!!!!

this will be relatively short and quick-paced (as in feelings n hand-holding n all that fun stuff starts in like the 2nd chapter lmao) but i hope the pacing isn't too off !!!! i want this to be pretty even ?? if that makes sense ???? so pls let me know how that goes

thank you for reading as always !! and i hope you like it !

started : march, 2019

finished :

other : ao3 - kwanies

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