One Direction One Shots - BoyxBoy and BoyxGirl

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Dedicated to @iwantmyfood because she requested this one shot.

Niamh’s point of view

I walked directly up to Niall. I can’t believe my parents let me go to this signing! I handed him the letter that I’d had written. Yes, you heard me right. I had it written because I can’t read or write.

“Hi Niall,” I say to him.

“Hi darling! What’s your name?” I almost died right then. NIALL HORAN WAS TALKING TO ME! NIALL HORAN!

“Niamh. I’m a really big fan!” I couldn’t pluck up the courage to say anything else because I really didn’t want to screw up in front of him.

“Ha ha ha, you’ve gone all Irish on me!” He giggled. I leant on the table to stop my knees from giving way. “How old are you, and what would you like me to sign?”

“I just turned 14 and can you sign my face?” I really didn’t think that he would sign my face, I just wanted to see his reaction.

“Coolies, and sorry, but I’d rather not sign your face, beautiful as it is.”

“That’s ok. I really didn’t think that you would, I just wanted to see your reaction!”

“Meanie,” he giggled.

“I really don’t want anything signed. Just read this when you get then chance.”

Niall’s point of view

Wow. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw her. She was beautiful, I now have no way to contact her.

I go through signing other people’s whatevers, not really concentrating. I can’t wait to get back to my flat to read her letter.


2 hours later

I raced up to my bedroom, Niamh’s letter in hand. I ripped it open, not caring that I almost killed the envelope.

I read:

Dear Niall,

Unfortunately, this isn’t me (Niamh) writing, this is my best friend Rhiana. That is because I can’t read or write.

I gasped. So that’s why she didn’t want me to sign anything, because she couldn’t read it, I thought to myself.

I’m a real die-hard One Direction fan, and I like you the best. I don’t know why, I just have a thing for Irish people. Well, I’m half Irish, so duh.

I’m not like other directioners. I’m not crazy. I like all of you heaps, and I might have brought lollies to school on yours and Liam’s birthday, for the whole of your 7 to share, but I’m not crazy.

Anyway, enough about me! Happy birthday for two days ago, by the way. 20! I can’t wait until I’m 20. I’m only 14, and life sucks when your 14, in case you don’t remember (because it was sooooooooo long ago, haha). People are just beginning to accept you for who you are, and not your fake personality, and yet, you still don’t quite know who you are, yourself. I have added in a little birthday present for you; just a little something that you might enjoy.

I shook the envelope and out came two tickets for something. I read them and my jaw just dropped. NIAMH GAVE ME JUSTIN BIEBER TICKETS! Oh my God how am I going to be able to repay her? Who should I take with me? The first person that popped into my head was her. I continued reading, but it was just her signing off.


Niamh (and her trusty friend Rhiana)

PS I’ve added my number on the back of the letter, in case you want to contact me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2012 ⏰

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