Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten-

There it was, Sunday the 14th of September, the afternoon-evening the dinner my father’s company had organized. Of course, even if I was staying late up that night if the event carried on past midnight, I would still have to go to school. That was not my intention, though.

The two weeks that had passed were quite calm and quiet. The music teacher and Ryan were in process of convincing me to join the music program, and to be honest I was quite tempted to accept, even though I probably wouldn’t. Apart from that, there was no contact with Elise and her little brother or James, who was still sitting beside me in some classes, but we ignored each other. It kind of freaked me out about that whole ‘Midnight Murderer’.

So, the reason for the quiet and peaceful week and a half was because I had not had any contact with my sources of annoyance and slight conversation.

Anyway, I had put on my black dress, somehow managing to zip it up at the back all by myself. I was not wearing tights, since they were annoying and uncomfortable. I had on my big boot with laces and a big thick wooden heel. They were really high heels, but I felt comfortable in them. They matched my style and they were comfy; that was all that mattered to me, that I liked them.

My mother somehow had managed to convince me to wear a little makeup. I had no idea how to apply anything; but I remembered watching my sister apply eyeliner and mascara. So after watching a few tutorials on Youtube, and five times having to start all over; I managed to apply the two products without making myself a complete mess. I also put on dark red lipstick that suited my rather pale and tired complexion. It was a dark colour, but it seemed to light me up a little.

I was still wearing my locket necklace, the one I never took off. The other piece of jewellery I was wearing was a gold bracelet my sister gave me for my fifteenth birthday. I rarely wore it; but it meant a whole world to me. It was one of the only things that I had left of a girl so long out of my life.

Thinking I was ready, I left my room. But I had forgotten one thing:

My meds.


The restaurant was placed on the beach front, directly on the promenade. Steps out the back led to the soft sand on the seaside. The restaurant was big, and posh. Of course, the type of place my dad would pick.

The ceilings were high, the walls were mostly big windows, looking out to a beautiful day; the sea was tranquil and the sky was blue. Well it was most people’s definition of beautiful. It was in my opinion, nice, but I preferred stormy skies and crashing waves. Back to the restaurant, the walls that did exist were made with wood – behind the bar – or painted white. There was a bar, with many bottles of different types of alcoholic drinks. The floors were made by wood, also.  The tables were neatly set, with a white tablecloth and even flowers. Why? I had no idea.

There was a hallway, leading to another part of the restaurant. We were lead down there by the host. My mother’s and my heels made a loud noise against the wooden floor as we followed the host and my father down the hallway to the private room of the restaurant.

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