Chapter 1

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My name is Azusa Arlond. Age 15. Black hair, Black eyes. Pale skin. I am a dog, Just from the inside. From the outside, I am a human. I have mongrel blood. That means that I am considered the lowest of the lowest by some of the OTHER High Sub-Lords here where I live, in Cetus. Worst of all, I am a pet, so sometimes I have to be chained up in a large room with some other pets.

 So, as I was saying, I belong to a man named Regulus Armane. He is my master. My very clever master. Every day I try to escape, but somehow or other, he always catches me. I hate it. But I still love my master. He took care of me for such a long time... Let me tell you everything. I was born in a small, dirty and smelly town that had no name. It wasn't what you'd expect it to be. It was horrible. Well, for a human. We were all dogs there. Literally. We had no names. It was a town of dogs and cats. But apparently, Mercury, the Statue of Reincarnation had other plans.

He did not reincarnate us, but he did change us. That is, into humans. A few years later, when I was 11, I got kidnapped by a gang of bandits that had absolutely no respect for anyone.

 I was then sold out to pet merchants. The town had changed quite a bit then. We had way more advanced technology than the outside world. But here in Cetus, the tech was stronger. Way stronger. Anyways, there was a pet sale, and lots of rich people had come. A certain young man wearing a black and gold High Outfit purchased me at an alarmingly high price.

 *Flashback* "Boy! Get moving!" Whacked the merchant on my back. "Ouch! Okay, I'm moving old man! Stop it!" I hissed out. "It hurts! Are you mental?!" I dragged along with the merchant. And then suddenly: "Ahem. Excuse me, old man. That's a nice mongrel you have got there. How much will you take for him?" The voice of my to-be Master reached my ears. "Oh, you mean this stupid worthless mongrel! I'll give him to you for...12 thousand Tingles." Said the merchant. 

"Hmmmmm... Interesting." My very-soon-to-be Master reached out and scratched me behind my ears. I growled. "Hmmmm...Quite the fierce one, aren't you? Just what I want. OK, merchant. I'm taking this one." He paid the price in Sparkles, and put a collar and lead on me. He ruffled my hair, and I couldn't help but whimper. Then he took me walking in the market.

"You're so small, and so shy. I won't hurt you,OK? What is your name?" He whispered to me. I shivered. His voice wasso...chilling. *End Of Flashback* My Lord, I wish my Master wasn't so creepy andchilly to other people... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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