Chapter One

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......"Miss are you alright?!" A voice rung out in the quiet night as a small body leaned down to a fallen body.

"How annoying..." A silhouette shrouded in darkness muttered as the watched. They stepped out into the light and rammed their boot into the girls' (h/c) locks and dug their face into the ground. "You should leave considering this has nothing to do with you. 'Little mouse'." To say that the masked assailant was surprised would be an understatement, the esteemed principal of UA was here of all places after all.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" He glared at the silhouette as they crossed their arms.

"Well.. Why not? She deserves it." They nonchalantly answered as they dug their foot further into the girls head, ignoring the first question.

"I need more than that."

"Why? That's all the reasoning she needed to make my life hell." Nezu froze at these words, they sounded so cold and distant yet in pain. He looked up at them and saw a bit of hair that had fallen out of place. It was the colour of (h/c).

"Who are you?" He asked again as he stood up to his full height.

"Not important. All you need to know is that I'm related to this piece of shit." The figure growled out, hooking their fingers under the hood of the jumper and flicked it off as their sharp (e/c) orbs glared daggers into the short creature.

"Well that 'piece of shit' is a future student of UA." Nezu replied.

"A school for heroes?..." The shadowed being tilted their head and they scowled. "If this bitch is a hero, then I'm a fuckin villain!" They shouted before stomping their foot into the ground and sending an inky with a tinge of (f/c) liquid towards Nezu. His eyes widened but quickly closed and covered his face as the liquid turned into sharp crystals, the crystals stopped just short of impaling the principal but by the time Nezu opened his eyes and looked around both the figure and the unconscious (h/c) haired girl were gone...

A several months later

"Someone care to remind me why I got out of bed.. for this?" A bitter voice sounded out as their blank and seemingly empty eyes stared boredly at the school, a hand coming up to cover their mouth to help stifle an oncoming yawn. They begrudgingly put one foot in front of the other and slowly made their way into the school.

Five minutes. That's all it took to irritate the young teen as their nose began to twitch as they struggled to navigate the halls of the school. After a few more minutes of grumbling she came across a male with indigo hair that appeared to go 'Fuck gravity!'.

"Oi! You with the gravity hating purple hair! Help me!" The (e/c) eyed adolescent called out loudly as they made their way over to the male. "I'm lost, and have no idea where my classroom is supposed to be." The male only blinked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Not my problem." His nonchalant attitude had managed to piss the (e/c) eyed teen off, he turned to start walking away only to be stopped by a hand grabbing onto his bicep. A low growl escaped the pissed students' throat as they glared at the indigo haired male.

"Listen here fuck face, I'm just trying to get to my god damn classroom so you can either help me or you can be my new lab rat." The indigo haired male had shivered slightly from the cold and empty tone of the teen in front of him, but shrugged it off and raised an eyebrow as he heard the teen sigh loudly. "Look I'm.... somewhat sorry for my attitude but I really need to find my classroom, my parents will have my head if I'm late." The apology was lousy and ticked the male off a bit but he 'somewhat' acknowledged the attempt.

"What classroom?" He crossed his arms and leaned on his left foot as the teens eyes widened at the question, not expecting it to be that easy to gain the males help.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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