Happy Studies!

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Anne stared longingly over the dark, lushful green hills of Avonlea and past the rustling trees. She sat at the foot of her bed, her fingers curling into her soft cheeks and elbows dug into her thighs, her arms holding up her heavy head. The chirp of birds faintly rang across her room as the sky started to fall asleep. The sun had started it's descent from the heavenly, majestic throne in it's vast blue kingdom and was beckoning his subjects to follow. The sun's loyal citizens followed their ruler's wishes, fading off into a warm palette of pink, yellow and orange, letting the night take over and run wild. In the distance, Anne could see the moon. It was strange, Anne thought, that one could see both the moon and sun up at the same time.

Anne let her gaze wander off, falling on the grounds of Green Gables. A soft smile appeared on her face as her line of sight traced the flowers that so decoratively adorned the grass with a rainbow of different colours and the trees that housed so many little creatires that she was happy to share her home with.

It was then that Anne noticed a dark, tall figure running down the road leading to her home. Anne squinted her eyes and was surprised to find that the figure bore curly hair, accentuated cheeks and the face she had hated for so many years. It was none other than her rival, Gilbert Blythe!

Why would Gilbert be rushing to her house at such a late hour? Was someone sick? Did he need her help? Anne restrained herself fom letting her thoughts run wild as she swiftly ran down the stairs and out to the yard, Marilla eyeing her suspiciously as she dashed out of the door.

Anne met Gilbert at the Green Gables' fence, both panting and red with exhaustion. Anne yanked the gate open and placed her hand on the gasping, slightly damp boy's shoulder. She asked with exasperation, "Gilbert? What's the matter? Why did you come? Did something bad happen?"

Gilbert, still breathless, held up a piece of parchment paper. "Is this.. Is this from you?"

Anne took the parchment fron his hands. It was the Avery scholarship that she had won. And did not want. She smiled.

"Is this what this is about?" she enquired as an eyebrow quirked in amusement.

"Yes!" Gilbert suddenly stood straight up. "You know I can't... I can't accept this." He looked at Anne with pleading eyes, letting Anne know he was grateful but couldn't have her gift nonetheless.

"Why not?" Anne leaned against the white fence to supprt her worned out body, true curiosity and merriment laced in her voice.

"Because!" Gilbert yelled. "I know how hard you worked to get that Anne! I don't want to take away your efforts. You should keep it!"

After hearing this, Anne laughed. Gilbert stood as stiff as a stick, confusion contorting his face.

"Look, Gilbert," Anne said after finishing her fit. "Do you know why I'm giving the scholarship to you?"

Gilbert shook his head.

"Oh! Well, I thought I made it clear. I passed on the message to your Sebastian. I figured he would tell you."

Gilbert made a mental note to destroy Bash later for conveniently leaving that part out.

"Well," Anne explained. "I have decided that I'm not going to go to college anymore."

Gilbert's eyes widened in surprise. Anne Shirley? His rival who with him had scored the first in the Queen's examination, throwing away years of unbridled hatred and competition and pushing aside her relentless love of learning to give away her chance of a better education? He never thought such a day would come!

"Why?" he asked.

"As you know, Matthew has passed away." Anne's eyes became glossy, tears threatening to come down her cheek. "And Marilla is not in a good state to take care of Green Gables on her own. She's not only distraught by Matthew's death, like I am. But her eyesight is failing too. The doctor said she may become blind, Gilbert! Can you imagine such a horrible fate?"

"Because of that, I have decided to stay right here at Avonlea and teach! Then I can do something I love while taking good care of Marilla. "

"And... I know we have had our fair share of quarrels but I know that you are a kind-hearted and terribly intelligent person, Gilbert. I know you have the same love for learning as I do. And your dreams of becoming a doctor? So noble. How can I let your circumstances prevent you from achieving your dreams? I couldn't think of anyone better to give the scholarship even if I imagined. And well, you know my imagination."

Gilbert's eyes were locked on Anne, so stunned he was frozen stiff. Anne's eyes darkened with worry as she asked "Are you alright? Did I say something that hurt you?" Anne stepped closer to Gilbert, taking Gilbert's wrist in her hand, scanning his face for any signs of injury.

It was then that Gilbert leaned in and kissed Anne.

Anne instantly pulled away. Gilbert, alarmed with her reaction and suddenly realising the weight of his actions, quickly stepped back, ready to run at Anne's word. "I'm so sorry, Anne. I didn't mean to.." he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence. "Oh gosh, I shouldn't have done that. I'm so terribly sorry. I didn't even ask... I'll go now. I won't mind if you want to give the scholarship to someone else now if you'd wish."

Anne continued staring at his worried, wide, big, blue eyes. She pinched her arm and yelped in pain as Gilbert raised an eyebrow at her. Her eyes traced back to Gilbert. Then a beaming smile appeared on her face. Anne's heart pounded like a heavy drum in her chest as she balanced the piece of paper neatly on the fence, gently placed her arms on Gilbert's shoulder, gracefully tiptoed, closed her eyes and placed a soft peck on Gilbert's lips.

"Gilbert Blythe, you're so endearing when you're flustered."

  Gilbert stood frozen, starstruck by the kiss. He couldn't believe it. Anne, the girl he had been in love with for so many years, had actually willingly kissed him on the lips! He would have skipped around the whole of Green Gables in joy, if not for risking forsaking his entire reputation. And he wouldn't exchange the entire world for seeing Anne's eyes and lips, upturned and crinkled with a lace of happiness.

"Anne! Come back here! Your pie is burnt!" Marilla called from the house, her voice booming.

Anne turned around. "Yes, I'm coming Marilla!" she answered before looking back at Gilbert. Gilbert too was smiling a smile that Anne had never seen before, his face alight with a raging happiness that had seemed to overtake him.

"I better go back now. I'll see you soon?" Anne said to him

"Yes, yes! Very soon." Gilbert replied, almost too quickly. "Oh and... would you mind if I came by tomorrow? I'd love to give you a taste of Bash's cookies. They're very delicious!"

"I'd like that."

"Oh...alright! I-I'll see you tomorrow then! Goodbye!" Gilbert cheeks were tinted pink as he swivelled around and headed home, skipping with every step.

Anne giggled. She had a feeling she'd be seeing the curly haired boy much more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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happy studies! // shirbertWhere stories live. Discover now