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Lance opened his eyes slowly,  groaning at the golden light that spilled over his face. He yawned,  and went to stretch his arms,  only to find one pinned down by something heavy and warm.  He suddenly felt the same weight was comfortably resting on his chest,  and looked down to see a sleeping Keith snuggling against him. His heart filled with a warm fuzzy feeling when he remembered the events of last night,  and he grinned happily as he moved his free hand up to stroke the soft mullet. He sighed contently,  and gazed at the sleeping boy. He looked so calm and happy,  and lance couldn't believe that this was the same man who he watched kick ass in the simulator every day. He  turned his head to look at the clock,  seeing that it was seven. They wouldn't be expected at breakfast for another two hours. Lance wrapped his arm around Keith,  enjoying the sunlight warming his face,  and his boyfriend warming his heart. Half an hour later, Keith yawned quietly,  opening his eyes slowly. His nose was instantly filled with the sweet smell of almonds and vanilla that he instantly linked to his favorite paladin. He smiled,  his memories flooding back to him. The slow rising and sinking of the chest he was snuggling into signified that Lance was still asleep. He tilted his head upwards to find that he was correct in assuming so,  smiling as he watched rays from the sun they were currently orbiting dance over Lances soft coffee colored skin. He raised his hand and softly stroked Lances cheek earning a smile from the sleeping boy. Keith reluctantly sat up,  Lances arm falling from around his waist. He looked around for a clock,  and rubbed the sleep from his eyes when he saw that the two had an hour and a half to get showered and ready for breakfast. He stood up from the bed,  leaning down to gently plant kisses on  Lances forehead to wake him up. Lance opened his eyes slowly,  smiling like an idiot at his boyfriend.  "Morning mullet" He smiled. " Morning sharpshooter" Keith grinned,  planting a short but tender kiss on Lances lips.  Lance smiled happily in response and looked at the clock.  " We need to shower babe,  even though you somehow still smell like a cupcake" Keith joked. Lance groaned as he left the warmth of his bed. " babbbyyyyyy I'm colldddd" Lance whined,  snuggling into a naked but surprisingly warm Keith. Keith shook his head and giggled at the extra clingy lance, picking him up and carrying him to the shower. " I love you Keithyyyy" Lance mumbled into Keiths neck.  " What was that? " Keith teased,  to which lance replied by humming. Keith dropped lance onto the tiles and after he helped him take off his clothes,  he turned on the shower,  making lance shiver gratefully at the warm water. "Mm mm" Lance hummed sleepily reaching out for Keith. " Lance we have to actually shower you moron" Keith laughed,  grabbing a bottle of shampoo.  He popped the cap off,  inhaling the thick vanilla and almond scent that reminded him of his boyfriend. He squirted it on his hands and massaged it into Lances scalp, making him purr appreciatively. When he felt Lances hair was effectively covered,  he grabbed the shower head and washed the soap out.  He hung it back up and Lance grabbed some conditioner that smelt lightly of honey. He rubbed it into his own hair,  then opened the cupboard,  rummaging around until he pulled out two bottles,  silently debating which scent would suit his boyfriend more. "Hmm...  Shea butter and honey or spiced apple? " Lance asked. Keith winced as he realised that he was going to smell like a dessert. " You're right,  spiced apple is so you" Lance smirked,  as he put the other back and squirted the sweet smelling gel onto his fingers. " Close your eyes honey" Lance giggled as he rubbed the soap into his boyfriends mullet. " Wow..  This is way more fun than I thought" Lance said,  entranced by the way the boys hair slid through his fingers. Keith hummed at the feeling of lances skilled hands,  and let him rinse the shampoo out.  " Lance,  why are you putting MORE stuff in" Keith groaned as lance reopened the bottle of conditioner. "It conditioner KEITH,  not that you've ever heard of it" Lance teased,  as he rubbed it into his jet black hair. Keith rolled his eyes playfully and Lance began to rinse the conditioner out of his own hair,  leaving Keith to admire his muscular chest. Keith leant against the wall smiling and Lance began to sing a Cuban love song,  his eyes focused on Keith. "déjame quererte,  entrégate a mí,  no te fallare,  contigo yo quiero envejecer " Lance sung with a unexpectedly smooth voice that melted keith,  and he realised that it was his favorite noise in the world. " Wow...  I didn't know you could sing babe.. " Keith breathlessly rasped,  his throat suddenly dry. Lance laughed happily,  stroking Keiths cheek gently,  feeling him turn to putty in his touch. Assuming that Keith didn't understand the lyrics,  he began the verse again,  this time in English. "let me love you, give yourself to me, I won't let you down, with you I want to grow old. " The warm feeling filling Keiths heart became too strong,  forcing him to kiss Lance passionately,  shocking the Cuban, but making him smile fondly. When Keith pulled away,  his eyes were teary with happiness.  " Are you crying over my song mullet? " Lance teased. " NO!  I'm just allergic to cheesy assholes" Keith retorted,  playfully punching Lances arm. Lance smiled and began to rinse Keiths hair.  Once the boys had finished their shower,  lance ran off,  bringing back two of his fluffiest towels,  warm and fresh from the dryer.   Keith smiled at the unintentional colour coding : Lance had given him a red one,  and Lance a blue one. They wrapped them around their waists,  and Lance grabbed a brush and a expensive looking hair dryer. " You're not finished messing up my hair are you lance? " Keith chuckled. Lance shook his head,  switching on the hair dryer and motioning for Keith to sit in front of a mirror. Keith sat down,  and Lance began expertly styling his hair. While Lance was working,  keith pulled faces in the mirror at him,  making him giggle happily and join in. Lance felt special to be the only one who got to see this carefree,  childish side of Keith that no one else knew existed. When Lance had finished,  he stepped back,  admiring his work. " wow... " he sighed in awe. Keiths hair bounced delicately as he turned to look at Lance.  His newly glossy dark black hair cascaded over his eyes in soft triangles,  reminding Lance of thick silky ink,  but also the soft feathers of a prize winning raven . Lance subconscious leant forwards,  unable to control the urge to run his fingers through the fluffy mullet. Keith closed his eyes,  enjoying the feeling and realizing how safe he felt in Lances touch. Whenever he was with him it felt as if nothing could touch them,  as if Lance made everything dangerous melt away,  leaving only the two of them and their love. Lance kissed Keiths forehead,  smiling as the cinnamon scent became more prominent,  and stray hairs tickled his nose. Lance pulled Keiths face up and tenderly kissed his slightly chapped lips. Keith kissed back with pure love,  feeling Lance smile on his lips. " We need to get you some new clothes" Lance giggled,  motioning to the crumpled clothes keith had not even bothered to put on last night after they had been removed. "Oh yea..  Shit..  I can't exactly walk back to my room naked can I? " Lance thought for a second before grinning. He went to his closet and pulled out an oversized black shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants. " These should fit you" Lance said,  proudly tossing the clothes at Keith. He also grabbed a pair of white ankle socks for them both. Lance then smirked and grabbed some boxers that hunk had bought him for a joke when he'd come out to him.  He handed them to keith, who was trying to figure out why Lance was smirking.  He turned the seemingly plain black boxers around to see  "Enter here" written on the back. He deadpanned at Lance,  before rolling his eyes and chuckling,  undoing his towel and stepping into them. Lance watched him keenly.  " Like them? " Keith laughed,  turning around" Lance rapidly nodded. " Keep them,  they're too big for me and they look uh...  VERY good on you" He spluttered. Keith laughed and began to put on the other clothes.  Lance pulled out one of his usual white and blue shirts out of the closet,  and pulled on some tight blue jeans that he was fully aware made his ass look great. He  then grabbed his signature green jacket and pulled it over his shoulders. He then walked into the bathroom to dry and style his own hair,  catching sight of Keiths muscular frame making his oversized shirt look like a fitted muscle tee. He gawked,  not thinking that after seeing Keith naked he could be anymore impressed by his body. Keith didnt notice lance,  and went over to the window,  looking into the stars enveloping the ship.  He was grateful that they had found a sun similar to the one that earth orbited,  reducing Lances homesickness and pleasantly illuminating the ships interior. Keith listened to the hair dryer as lance fixed his own hair,  and inhaled the slight aroma of cooking food coming from the kitchen. He wondered what  Hunk was cooking,  and idly played with a strand of his hair,  surprised at how soft it was. Keith was so caught up in his thoughts,  he didn't heart the hair dryer switch off,  or the footsteps of lance as he crept up behind him. He did however,  notice when Lances arms snaked around his waist,  hugging him lazily and when he planted sloppy kisses on the back of his neck.  " mm mm..  I wonder what Hunks cooking..  Smells amaaazing" Lance said,  like he was reading Keiths mind. " Let's go find out " Keith said turning around to give Lance a peck on the lips,  then holding his hand and pulling him out of the room. The boys happily walked hand in hand down the hall,  the smell getting stronger. " I hope its bacon" Lance smiled fondly,  remembering the salty taste he missed.  " Oh my god I haven't had Bacon in forever" Keith sighed,  the thought of tasting it again exciting him. " Where would Hunk find bacon in space? " Shiro said nonchalantly behind them, making them jump and quickly unlink their hands. "God fucking damn it Shiro you can't just sneak up on people like that! " Keith said blushing. " Maybe he got it from the space market" Lance pouted, ignoring Keiths remark,  upset that Shiro had ruined his dream of eating bacon again. Shiro shrugged,   rubbing his eyes and yawning. " I hope its eggs personally" Matt chimed in,  appearing from his room. " Hi Matt" Shiro and Lance greeted,  Keith still too embarrassed from being scared earlier to say anything. " What happened last night Lance? " Matt asked " Pidge left the game to check on you and came back laughing so hard I couldn't understand what she was saying" Lance and Keith shared a worried look. " Oh uh...  I just fell over is all" Lance said rubbing his neck nervously. "Oh" Matt replied simply, making it unclear whether he believed him not. Lance groaned when he remembered that they were going to have to see Pidge today and probably answer her questions. He looked at Keith,  seeing worry in his eyes,  and decided that no one would notice if he grabbed his hand to comfort him.  Keith intertwined their fingers grateful of the comfort. All four watched a meteor pass the window,  still not used to all the wonders space had to offer. " Never gets any less amazing does it" Shiro smiled. "Never" Lance smiled,  squeezing Keiths hand.

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