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I get stressed out very easily. Unfortunately for me, I have a lot of stress in my life. My family, my school, my friends (not so much anymore), and my activities. It gets really hard sometimes to handle it and I end up breaking down, but that only happens at home. I thought I would share some things that help me:
*Taking deep breaths. This actually does help a ton, and I do it in a daily basis.
*Listening to music. This is such a stress reliever, and it takes me to a other world when I listen to my favorite music, Hamilton. Sometimes I'll just lay on my bed, mouthing the words to my favorite songs.
*Calling my best friend Ella. This never fails. When I am extremely upset, calling her is what calms me down and just helps me more than anyone can imagine. I wouldnt be in a good place right now without her.
*Going outside. I like to go outside on my trampoline and put some music on. Exercise is an amazing way to relieve stress.

I don't use my techniques enough because I'll be too busy, or I'll forget. That's another thing why stress is hard; you dont have enough time to relieve it.
I take on too many things, so part of it is my fault. I am always taking the load off someone else, and for once it would be nice if someone else could do that for me too.
Thank you Ella. Thank you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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