uwu x15

182 17 5

it's been a month since i've been gone boohoo. chogi announced that she's leaving and i'm really sad. i enjoyed her books more than anything, it was always a place i could go to laugh, cry, and smile like a mad man. thank you so much to chogi for managing to create such good stories, i always believed she's the best writer and i will continue to do so. i've gotten joy just to be able to converse with her and get a comment or two. it makes me sad to see her apologize. if giving up is what's best for chogi, than so be it. i hope she takes care of herself and gets through whatever hardships are coming her way. i'm gonna miss chogi a lot and for now, we can give her lots of love and support. i'm hoping with this step, chogi can focus more on her health and such. i'll always love chogi no matter what ♡♡

i'm going to be leaving this account for now, thank you for everything and i hope everyone continues to support chogi. i know i will (:

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