i think billy died guys

21 1 5

SefAsimar tagged me


1. Im an ftm trans boi
2.i cant stop listening to 21 chump street
3.i can rap Laf's part in Guns and ships
4.i have a bunch of cursed Mike Wisoski pictures saved on my phone
(deadburritochortles QueerNom you guys know)
5. I ship lams
6.Theres a creepy ass doll in my house and i think its going to kill me
7. Any time words fail comes on and i dont want to listen to it i say "I get it Evan you're depressed and you fucked something up, just like me"
8.I'll never get used to soft Michael
9. I might get my hair cut short soon, so yey
10. I just saw a ghost

I dont know honestly-

*laughs* i can't write shit

And im not going to tag anyone

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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