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Credit to @vanillabean_97 on Instagram! She does amazing artwork and a lot is Marvel! She's very talented and I recommend you check it out! Anyway, so here goes-

Second square marked: Kidnapped


Peter was stuck.

And it was not good.

He squirmed around in the chair, hoping to loosen the ropes tied around his wrists and ankles, but nothing happened.

Nothing, that is, until the ropes tazed him again. A voice rang out, stern and thick,

"The volt power goes up the more you tug at those."

Boy, does the poor 15 year old boy hate that voice.

Peter's everything already ached, so he decided to just stay still. Sit still and wait.

"You don't want to make a move? Well, we'll just have to come in there and make you talk," the voice rings out.

Peter looks up at the ceiling, as if he were begging God himself to float down from Heaven and save him.

Tony has no leads. None.

He sat at his desk for days, checking vitals, hard drives, the last time Karen and FRIDAY had seen him. Over and over, but no lead.

He was worried about his kid. So dang worried, that he'd want to kill himself if he found the kid dead in some chair in an old man's basement.

It wasn't right. Peter wouldn't go out on patrol and never come back. Just go MIA for weeks? A month? Two? No! Never! Not Peter.

Not Pete.


"I miss you. I love you.. I'm so-"

"What was that, Tony?" Steve's voice rings out and Tony's head snaps up and to the door. Steve inches closer, and Tony starts hyperventilating. Because of Peter. His kid.

"Tony, are you alright?"

"Spider-Man, Steve," Tony spits out. "What about him?" Steve asks, clearly confused as what the Iron Man has to do with Spider-Man. "My kid," Tony pauses, standing up and slamming his hand on the table, wobbling a little. Steve goes to try and catch him, but pulls his hands back when he realizes he knows better than to do that.

"Is somewhere in the burrough of Queens, scared for his life, because he's been kidnapped. And he could be dead by now, who knows." "Tony, just relax. We'll find him. Where were his last coordinates?" Steve answers.

"40,781.918,008." Tony sputters out, before walking deeper into the lab to investigate the coordinates. Honestly, Tony had needed help. But he never asks for it. Its self soothing to say he built a robot himself, or wired the cords correctly himself. It's a pet peeve.


Another slap stung his cheek.

And another.

And another.

Harder this time.

Peter was crying now.






One slap to each cheek.


Clonked on the top of his head.

"Open your mouth, or I'll hit you again." The man says. Peter grits his teeth.

"No," he spat, through his teeth.

"What did you just say to me?" The stocky man asks, growling at the boy.

"Are you deaf? I-I said..-" Peter pauses, his strength slipping and plummeting once more. "I said no."


"Steve! Steve!" Tony yells. "Suit up!" Steve jolts awake, drool-filled scratch paper flying off of his mouth and floating gracefully onto the floor.

Steve, of course, was anything but graceful as he wobbled and stumbled to suit up, following Tony, who already had the gold and maroon clads of armor portraying his silhouette.

The older, surprisingly good looking, 700-something year old man hurried to the elevator, that he took down to the first floor. He sprinted out of the building, hurrying to the coordinates Tony had spurred in his ear as soon as he had entered the com system.


The high voltage ropes and chains dropped to the floor with a clank, and Peter stood up. The two men escorted him to a room, where "the unthinkable" was supposed to.. happen.

To innocent little Peter? Never! They wouldn't dream of it..

But they just had to, didn't they?

They hurt him. Oh, they hurt him. And how they did it, of course. The best methods.

First, a few kicks to the head, stomach, ribs, ankles. The good, easy spots.

Second, 23- No wait, 48- No- Peter lost count of how many stinging and aching slaps he was tortured with.

And third, food poisoning, and poisonous gases.

And that's about it. They left Peter there to die, basically.

And Peter wasn't going to do anything about it.

Then, he thought he heard a familiar buzzing, and Iron Man's blasters. "Uts just an illusion, Peter. You're seeing th-"

A heartbreaking, heartwarming, relieved voice, inched it's way to Peter's ringing ears.


Peter broke out in tears when Tony started untying him. "Hey, hey, shhhhh, it's okay Spider baby. Dont worry, I'm here. I'm here."

Peter was crying so much he didnt even realized his words.


The pleas made him sound like a little kid, but Peter liked the way Tony hugged him after the 15 year old fell into his arms.


"Shhh. We're there," Tony whispered in Peter's as they hugged tightly.


Hey! So I finally got some inspiration up in here. Next square will probably beeee...

Young Peter excluded at recess.

Because after Peter said Daddy in this one shot I'm suddenly craving it. So maybe you'll get a double update. Or a triple, depending on if I feel like writing "You said you didn't need anything this morning, but clearly you were lying. Do you need me to come over there?" Soo. We'll see. Thanks for reading!

~ Aubree/Potatoes

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