Chapter 25

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I was working on my car music blasting in my earphones because my parents were arguing again.

Haley was at school so I had no where else but here for now.

I close the hood of my car and turn around to see my dad.

I pulled the earphones out

"What?" I asked

"Don't talk to me like that" he took another swing from his beer.

"Isn't it to early for you to be drinking"

"Why do care"

"I don't but mom would be mad if you got drunk again"

"There's someone here for you...a girl"

I walked around him and to the front.

I walked down to where Haley's car was.

"Your supposed to be in school haley"

"I know I left after lunch...get in"

I got in the car and she started driving.

"Where are we going"

"Some where"

After about 15 minutes we showed up at the field I took her to after the carnival.

She laid out a blanket

"This is our place now where no one can find us"

"No Jen,Connor or kian"

"None of them"

We sat down her legs on my lap and her hands holding her up.

"What's with your dad?" She asked

"What I hate him"


"What's with the questions?"

"I just want to know more about you"

"What about you"

"What about me"

"What were your friends like"

"You know I had a friend named Jen there to"


"Yeah but kat was more into social status and.."

"Who else"

"He's no one"

"He was he special"

"I thought but he doesn't care about me no more"

I looked at her and pulled her closer.

"Well I care"

She put her head on my chest.

I looked down and she looked at me.

"You promise"

I leaned down and kissed her "I promise"

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