The Elevator - (PG)

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The Elevator

A Troyler One Shot

– Incredible Fluff Warning–

Troye POV

Vidcon 2015 was promising to be even better than the previous year; although my schedule was fully booked with interviews, performances and main stage presentations, I was looking forward to it, excited for the constant adrenaline rush of meet and greets, appearances and, for the first time since the release of my EP the previous year, an actual singing performance on the main stage. I was nervous as all hell, but at the same time I couldn’t wait.

I’d just finished my sound and lighting test for my set tomorrow, and was halfway to my room when my manager called me. Apparently one of my interviews had fallen through, leaving me with the rest of the day to do as I wished. As soon as I heard the news I checked my calendar, confirming the whereabouts of one certain best friend and fellow YouTuber. 

I turned to one of the security personnel beside me. “Hey, um, is there any chance of being taken to the meet up hall rather than the main hotel?” They agreed, and we were soon changing course, heading in the direction of the main convention hall of the building. Taking the behind-the-scenes route, I found myself in the “backstage” area of the meet and greets. I thanked the security guards before making my way towards the curtains, excitement brewing at finally being re-united with my best friend for the first time in five months.

“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me.” I asked one of the staff walking past me. A few minutes later I found myself in front of the right entrance, my left hand gripping the curtains as I steeled myself, taking a deep breath before pulling the fabric aside and walking through. There was a moments pause before recognition hit. Thousands of screams suddenly filled the air, girls and boys shouting out to me as I raised my hand in greeting, smiling widely as I started forward.

Tyler looked around in confusion, searching for the reason behind his peoples sudden screaming until finally turning around and spotting me, his face lighting up with delight, his signature laugh falling from his lips as he opened his arms in welcome.

“Troye!” he shouted, attempting to be heard over the screaming fan girls.

“Surprise!” I replied, rushing forward into my best friends embrace.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be doing your sound and lighting check for tomorrows performance?” Tyler asked as we stepped back from each other – a shit-eating grin spread across both of our faces as we took each other in for the first time in five months.

“Yeah, I did, but the set finished early, and my interviews got cancelled, so, rather than go sit in my room on my own for the rest of the day, I thought I’d come hang with you instead… you don’t mind, do you? It’s just, we haven’t seen each other for so long, and, what with Vidcon being so busy for us both this year, I didn’t think we’d get much time to see each other before we’re flying off in different directions again.” He smiled before assuring me it was fine; admitting that he’d been disappointed when he found out we weren’t going to be able to hang out at all this weekend.

We spent the next five hours meeting and talking to our viewers, getting to know each of them a little before moving onto the next excited fan. We both received quite a few gifts, mostly Tyler, as it was his meet up, and before we knew it we were saying goodbye to the last person; a lovely girl by the name of Ida who’d flown all the way from Sweden just to meet the two of us.

Having nothing else on for the rest of the day, we decided to head up to Tyler’s room for a little impromptu gossip session. We both grabbed one of the two boxes of gifts and letters, not trusting the staff due to an incident a fellow YouTuber went through with a large box of presents last year. We walked back behind the curtains and started making our way towards the security booth.

The Elevator - Troyler Where stories live. Discover now