Jealousy - Part 1

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It shouldn't have bothered her, it really shouldn't have, but alas it did. The more that Rachel saw Steph clinging all over Kristie the more she wanted to strangle McCaffrey. She knew that they were just friends, best friends even, but Rachel was getting a bit tired of Steph third-wheeling their every waking moment.

Rachel was beginning to feel like she was the one who was third-wheeling the two best friends and she didn't like it. It was why she kept staying later and later at practice. She knew that Steph would probably have already cooked Kristie dinner. She had to give it to Kristie's best friend, the girl knew how to take care of KMew.

Still, there was this feeling of jealousy in the pit of Rachel's stomach. She wanted to be the one taking care of Kristie, she wanted to be the one making her feel better. It had been her idea to lift Kristie's spirits by bringing Steph to visit, but now she just wanted the girl to go home so that she could have some alone time with her girlfriend.

Sighing softly, Rachel threw her gear into the back of her car so she could start the drive home when her phone rang with a facetime call from Kristie.

"Hey, darling." Rachel greeted, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Hey babe, are you coming home soon? What's with the fake smile, is everything okay? I miss you." Kristie pouted a little bit, she knew when her girlfriend was faking a happy expression.

"I miss you too, was just showering and probably gonna grab something to eat before I headed home." Rachel said, trying to give a more genuine smile. "Just a bit tired from practice is all."

Kristie didn't look convinced. "I can cook for us."

"Nah it's okay, why don't you and Steph just go ahead and eat," Rachel suggested not wanting to butt in, she was too busy sulking and throwing herself a jealous little pity party.

Kristie seemed to finally understand what was going on. "Steph flew home early today, something about needing to go check in with the Red Stars. Come home baby please?"

"Alright, I'll be home in a minute." Rachel said, a little bit more excited.

"You know you're cute when you're jealous but you don't need to be. You can always talk to me babe, you don't have to be jealous. Now come on home, and let's have some us time. I missed my princess Rachie." Kristie said blowing a kiss at the screen before hanging up.

Rachel felt better now and a tad silly for letting her jealousness get the best of her. She knew she'd have to communicate better with her girlfriend in the future.

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