Unquenchable Rage

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Chugging, the exhausted sounds of the elevator provided white noise for the two best friends as they travelled past each department, first communications, then marketing, then fashion and cosmetics, then all the odd little shops they funded and finally paperwork, scheduling and finance were on the last few floors before the highest floor, which was entirely reserved for Selene, Apollo and their two secretaries. Selene walked Apollo back to his office upon the highest floor, she smiled and waved farewell as he settled back into his leather office chair, closing the heavy door behind her as her expression flickered before hardening into an icy rage.

Walking down the hall way, her stilettos clacked on the wooden floorboards aggressively, each step she took radiated purpose and confidence, she strutted with meaning, intent, her strides perfect, her walk cycle perfected to such an extent it shamed models. The way in which her body moved was hypnotic, enticing and demanded respect, she was the embodiment of authority and those who dared to disagree were struck down by her piercing, fiery green gaze.
"Vanessa, who arranged the phone call at 12? And with what company was it?"
She sharply enquired as she approached her secretary's desk. Vanessa glanced up and immediately sunk in her seat, she already knew what that tone and stance meant. Someone was getting fired today. Great, more paperwork.
"Oh, um, it was Hodgkins in communications and it was with Syth's Company, uh the advertisement organisation," Vanessa chirped in a pleasant tone as she smiled at the enraged CEO, her acrylic nails tapping against the keys of her keyboard as she checked the scheduled arrangements of the day and the call log.
"Thank you," Selene snapped before storming towards the elevator, her brows furrowed with annoyance.

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Upon arriving on one of the many floors dedicated to communications, Selene scanned the room as all conversation died, and whispers erupted, they all knew what that glare in her eyes meant.
"Hodgkin," she shouted, her tone sharp and frozen, slicing through the tension of the room like a knife through warm butter. A young man jumped at the end of the room by the water tank, his body trembling as he turned to face the direction of the CEO.
"Did you arrange the call or were you told to?" She asked, her feet beginning to guide her towards him, the steps swift and loud.
"I-I was. ." He glanced at his manager before looking back at her, "advised to make a call to Syth Company. ." He stuttered, the sound of his throat closing up and breath hitching extremely audible as he struggled to speak to the livid CEO that glared at him.
"Take a week off, without pay, grow a spine while you're gone, and you-" she whipped round to face the manager, seething with anger, her eyes wide from the flames of green resentment in her soul, "you're fired, get your stuff now."
The manager, terrified, just nodded and began rushing to pack up her stuff, hands trembling as she tried to clean up any evidence of her existence. Nodding in satisfaction, Selene turned and left the scene as people began to flock to the manager, suppressed sniffles escaping from the back of the room.

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Sighing in an exasperated fashion, Selene tussled her golden waves of hair beneath her slender fingers, sorting out any loose hair that had escaped in her fit of rage. She was tired of seeing her best friend upset, and would punish those responsible. If they couldn't do their jobs, to keep the company in balance, then they didn't deserve their position, regardless of qualifications. Pressing the button to arrive in finance, she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she settled into her naturally unimpressed expression of beauty.

Ka-thunk. She had arrived. Stepping out the elevator, the usual surprise and sudden change in atmosphere gradually rippled throughout the office, but she ignored it, heading straight to the desk of the Head of Finance.
"How much is Syth Company worth?" She asked, wasting no time as she entered the glass box of an office, sliding her blazer off and rolling the sleeves of her black blouse up to her elbow.
"Oh, um miss, I didn't realise we had an appointment booked," the Head chuckled nervously, adjusting his tie as he looked at the CEO.
"Save it Flynn, this should only take a few minutes," she shot back as she sat down on his desk, staring at him intently.
"Alright, the worth of Syth right?" Flynn asked as he began tapping on his laptop, sliding his hair back as he watched the screen closely.
"Around, 3.5 million as of right now, why?"
"Purchase it," she demanded.
"Sure! Wait, what?" He enquired, a dumbfounded expression falling upon his features as his hazel eyes blinked furiously, as if he had misheard her.
"Buy the company, I wish to own it," she repeated, speaking slowly as if she were mocking him.
"You sure?"
"Okay! Okay. . Let me see," he paused, pressed a button and then began typing in a rapid fashion, "uh, there, we have contacted them and offered the sum of money," he said, eyeing her curiously as he turned away from the screen, pondering why on Earth she would want to own an advertisement company, they already owned two.
"Call them," she ordered, her eyes focused on some distant, non-existent point on the horizon.
"To speed up the deal?" He asked, she merely nodded in response as he began dialling a member of the finance team in Syth Company.

After several minutes of negotiating, bargaining and bribing, Flynn looked back at Selene and her dreamy, far off expression.
"Well, it's official, we now own Syth Company, to the dismay and infuriation of their CEO," he spoke in a quiet and humoured fashion as she dragged her eyes to meet his own, a sly smile spreading across her rosy lips.
"I'm going to pay them a visit," she said mischievously, her eyes twinkling with a cruel light that only suggested the plans she had for those poor employees.
Picking up the phone on Flynn's desk, she called Vanessa and arranged for her chauffeur to come pick her up in 5 minutes.

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