Chapter One

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The walk to The Yawning Portal was a swift one. The northern part of Waterdeep was no problem to navigate to Ralli. They walked with a swift pace, and letter in hand, with Spark, a seven-foot warforged built by a distant family member in the house Amcathra following. 


Perhaps that is too presumptuous? Well Met Adventurers!  

My name is Volotham Goddarm, traveler and wizard. I am sure you know of me or my works quite well and while there is time for that later, right now I am in dire need of your assistance. 

My dear friend has gone missing.

He has more beauty than brains and I am afraid he took a wrong turn home a couple of nights ago and has been kidnapped or worse. The ever-rising tensions in the city are what worries me the most and are why I reach out to you. The city guards are too preoccupied to be any use to me.

Of course, I can offer pay. And good pay too should you help me. 

Meet me at The Yawning Portal at great haste there isn't a moment to lose- he has already been missing for days. 

           ~My great thanks and appreciation"

The letter folds and finds its way into a small bag hanging on Ralli's side. 

"Thank you Spark, for coming, but you really didn't need to. The letter was for me. I don't need you to follow me around all the time anymore, you don't need to look after me. I made my choice to be out here," Ralli addresses the large wood and metal following close on her heels. It makes a small, strange noise, a small huff almost. 

"You do not claim my help, and here you are, living on the streets, for why? Your mother misses you," silence follows. 

Soon the two reach the tavern, people starting to make their way inside after a long day of work. The doors push open and the chattering and noises of people talking about their days, laughing, making bets, and ordering food fill the atmosphere. It isn't hard to find Volo, even in the crowd of people. He sat at a table not far from the bar, his white and gold puffy clothes, and large hat poke out even if he is short. 

Ralli briskly walks into the tavern, knowing the tavern well. The inside dimly lit by oil lanterns and candles, people sitting on booths, tables, or at the bar. In the middle, a large hole, blocked off by some cheap fencing, leading to the dark and unsafe underground. Only stupidly brave adventurers went there, only to never come back, or barely retell their story.  Ralli spots Volo, who is not hard to spot with puffy clothes and a large hat. Next to him sits a familiar aarakocra, an owl humanoid.

"Oh, hello Cri, nice to see you again, I hope you have gotten to settle down, not getting lost anymore, I hope?"There is a pause as Cri doesn't respond, his head slightly looks down, and his robe is quickly grabbed and clenched in almost a panic.  Ralli gives a concerned look to her recently met friend, just last week showing him around the city. He coughs, clearing his throat, and lets go of the robes,

"Oh, uh, hello. Yes... I have settled in well, no more getting lost," there was a forced laugh. Ralli had no time to respond as a human walked up and sat down at the table, starring at Spark, then Cri, and finally Ralli. He held two daggers on his hips, leather armor, and his black hair covering his eyebrows made him look angry. He took a seat and looked to Volothamp. He seemed to be the last member as Volo cleared his throat to talk, 

He grinned, and finally began to speak, "Hello everyone, I am so glad you all could make it, though it looks we have an extra body here," He gestures to Spark, "That is no problem, extra hands can help-" Volo stops himself, as the room quiets down, and replaced by angry yelling. A crowd seems to form around several figures, three humans, facing a very muscular half-orc, with her face scrunched up as she laughs. Malani quickly stands up and shoves his way through the crowd, leaving the other people at the table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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