Go see

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Harry's POV

As I go ta shower I hear Gil behind me. "Wha are ya doin?" Gil smiles 'to brush my teeth. I'll let you shower in peace after I swear.' I check me breathe an "agh!! Oh that rank! Yea let do that first." He nod is head an we go ta the bathroom. 'So what do you wanna do today seeing as its (cheeks the hall clock that 2 hour ahead) nine a clock.' I think "I got paperwork ta do." (Author:I love sarcasm:) 'fun' I fake laugh "loads. Kay see ya in a few." An Gil goes ta get ready. An I get in I think I'm goin go see me dad. After bein done an dressed I go an find Gil ready wit breakfast "wha is this?" He turn ta me 'breakfast. It's toast, eggs, cheese, and blackberry jam. Help your self.' I sit an smile "thank ya. It looks good." An me an Gil dig in an I joy just bein tagether. Aft'r breakfast I tell Gil "I'm gonna go see me dad for a bit see ya in a hour?" He nods 'okay have fun. Tell him I said hello.' I nod an head ta me dads. On the way I hear me an gils name come up in a talk by two guys I don know. :I'm serious dude. You should have seen the shape he and his "crew" were in. Harry and Gil there asses bad. I would feel bad for them but, they did try to jump Harry hook and Gil so I don't.: :same. Do you know how Gil get his name?: I blink an I continue ta me dad's. "Hey dad." :Harry? What ya doin here an not at school?: "over sleep. I jus came ya see how ya doin." He smile :I'm fine. Glad ya came. I was worried bout ya. Gil treatin ya right?: I blush "eye dad. He great. He ask me ta tell ya hi." Dad look at me :ya alright? Ya seem down.: I nod "yea. I promise. See ya tonight?" Dad nods :Gil sleeping here tonight?: I shrug "I don know. He got a matress ta sleep on sense he disown Gaston." :good for em.: aft'r that we hug an I go ta the ship ta work on me beloved paperwork. On the way back I think an wonder. Where did Gil get is name? An I deside ta ask em lat'r.


Gil's POV

As I clean and find things to do I see Harry with his determined look on his face. I bow and say 'captain' (I'm being formal just to play it safe) "come to me quar'er" I nod and fallow and close the door and tarn "why do ya by Gil an not Gaston?" '.....' " wha I mean is, hhhh." I smile 'my full name is Gaston Gilfred Gaston. I go by Gil because you know I refuse to have anything to do with my ex dad and brothers and gilfred is a terrible name.' "Oh." I kiss him 'so, want help with the paperwork?' "I mean if ya jus dien ta." And it was a nice morning until.....

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