Request Box.

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Hello fellow Sinners and The Sinning, my name is Lemon. My name does not lie, I love myself some good lemon for I am a sinner myself. Splatoon is one of my many interests so me, just recently going into the Manga, felt the need to make Lemon for it was high enough to make an account on WattPad just for it.

What Is Lemon?
If you're only just Sinning, Lemon is what I see as a more child friendly way to talk about Smut. If you're a really new sinner, Smut is sexual stuff for the bigger kids to enjoy. If you have read all of this explaination of what Lemon and/or Smut is and still want or decide to to read this then I hope that you don't blame me for making you wish eye bleach is a thing. Now, lets get to the rules on what I'm okay with doing to pollute your mind further.


Biggest rule shall be: NO X READER.

I've only just started to read the Manga
and about it in general so bare in mind
some characters might be out of character.

The ships that change characters a bit to be
depressed or something might be done a bit
sooner. Don't quote me on that though.

I will not do sexual stuff that includes 
something like rape or some certain kinks.

Please be aware I'm a person who needs
to be educated still and your requests
CAN be put on hiatus.

Repeats won't be done right after the
ship has been done before, sorry friends.

I most likely can only do MalexMale currently.
 I'm not educated enough--very sorry.

Please don't say you're disappointed or
something like that because I didn't put
something you like, especially publically.
Suggestions are WELCOME though.

Thank you for reading

Now enjoy your sinning in peace. Remember to stay fresh!

This will be my first time writing the Lemons.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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