Sagittarius x Virgo

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Virgo x Sagittarius

An average morning turns into something heated and not in a good way..


"Late once again, but since it's you, it's to be expected"

Sagittarius tensed and forced a smile on his face as he turned towards the brunette with a gaze that was judging and arms that were folded to further tell of her disappointment.

"To be honest Virgo, I'm surprised you're not more accepting of my timing considering you love routines"

The girl's green eyes narrowed and glared harder which is never a good sign, but considering Sagittarius saw it everyday it's lost any and all power it would have with the other zodiacs.

"As much as I love routines, I hate tardiness even more, so therefore I'm willing to make an exception on that"

Virgo grabbed Sagittarius' bag and opened it, organising the continents before placing a neatly stacked pile of papers in along with a lunchbox as she does every morning. "I swear your entire survival is based purely on miracles"

Sagittarius put his hand on his chest in mock hurt yet his face showed genuine irritation. "What can I say, good things tend to come to the free spirited. You should try it sometimes Virgo."

"I don't have time to be free spirited" With a loud and sharp zip of the bag, Virgo threw it back at her fellow zodiac sign. "There's too much to be done"

"Really? Like what? Everything looks fine to me"

"That's because you're an uncultured imbecile who procrastinates in hopes someone else would fix your problems for you"

Sagittarius' orange eyes snapped towards the girl with animosity that she's only seen when Aries or Scorpio rattles him up too much. The boy stood- no, the boy towered over her. She recognises that look, it's one she makes herself but only to a rogue piece of gum or dirt that would find its way under her shoe. He raised a hand and she forced herself to hold back a flinch.

"You think you're so much better than everyone else just because you're the most human looking out of all of us, but you know what.. That is what's so boring about you Virgo." The poke in the middle of her chest from his finger felt like a stab. "It's sad isn't it, being apart of a group that are distinct, some have horns, some have claws, have markings on their skin and the other human like zodiac are twins. But what about poor little Virgo?" Orange pierced into green, to those passing by it reminded them of wild fires on earth, how the orange flames would completely destroy the once green and lively forests.

"You're no care-taker Virgo, you're just a bland little girl put into a league too big for you."

With that Sagittarius continued to look down on the girl, waiting for something, for anything. However all he got was a cool look in a sea of green as she stared back up at him, eyes emotionless and face blank.

"You finished your little temper tantrum miss Daisy?"

Boiling blood was never a nice feeling, but it was one Sagittarius had become much accustomed to as he pushed passed the girl. No matter how angry he was, the horned boy would never hit someone who could not defend themselves, Virgo was tiny and didn't know any self-defence, so as bad as he wanted to hit her, he held back. So instead he settled for a rough shove of the shoulder, one that would've pushed the girl on her ass had she not prepared for it.

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