extra cuz why not

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"N-n-n-NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" A shriek tore through the air. Shortly after the sound of a body falling to the ground echoed. (Y/n) pupils contracted, hands clenched at the wooden floor, nails making a loud scraping noise, as she looked horrified at the scene in front of her.
"Juuzou..." She almost whispered. Sweat mixed with tears smoothly zigzagged down her cheeks making her neck stick to the cheeks very uncomfortably.
"Juuzou... Wh-...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!" Juuzou looked at her sprawled on the floor confused. He calmly picked up the remote control and pressed the button. The sound of a whirring machine overrided (y/n) panting.
"Why didn't you on the air conditioner? You are sweating a lot you know." He said in his usual singsong voice. She leaped from her lying position and grabbed the male's hair.
"What in the world did you do to your hair? Are you an emo teenager now?!" True enough Juuzou's had gone from its pure snow whiteness to a raven black. She rubbed his hair.
"And you cut it too..." She sighed very loudly and fell backwards onto the couch and rested her hands over her eyes.Her thoughts were very likely to be along the lines of: 'No more Lolita cosplaying... or actually, I could buy a wig? Nah, it looks like Juuzou is no longer willing to cosplay for me.' He pounced on top of her hugging her.
"Go away it's hot." She uttered, obviously upset, giving him a weak kick. His black mop of hair rustled on her chest and finally showed traces of his face through. A smile was drawn on his face. He peeked though and was met with a face that practically said 'I am dead inside'. He pouted and rubbed his cheek against her's.
"Go away it's hot! Don't you know about something called personal space?" She wailed louder this time.
"Nope! His cheeky grin grew as he continued cuddling with her.
"Juuzou I think of you as a good friend, but if you don't get your ass up I will kick you."
"And how exactly will you do that?" He said teasingly pinning her down. Her heart may or may not have skipped a beat.
'Damn it raven haired Juuzou looks more manly! ' She thought as she struggled in a futile attempt to free herself. Her face fading to a cherry blossom pink.
"Damn you and you CCG training!" He giggled at her remarks. He fell face into her shoulder... again.
"Hey I like you." He said completely randomly. She looked at him weirdly.
"Then get off me"
"Does that mean you like me too?"
"...Sure?" He got up suddenly with a surprised but happy expression.
"Does that mean we are now lovers?"
"Wait what?!" A sudden surge of strength comparable to Juuzou'swent through her as she pushed them both up into a sitting position.
"Juuzou you have to warn me about that stuff." She said laughing awkwardly.
"But Shinohara told me that when I find a person that makes my tummy throb, it means that I love them, and Abara told me that I need to date and marry them afterwards."
'Did he just indirectly propose before I had even agreed to date him?' (y/n) was completely speechless.
'... actually getting married with Juuzou... how would that work?'

The bride walked down the isle. It was Juuzou. Juuzou was wearing a bride's dress and he looked absolutely fabulous in it. Their guests, all wearing black suits and holding abnormally large suitcases, stood up. If anyone were to see this they would have thought that we were filming for the fourth movie of Men In Black.
Anyways, Juuzou came and held my arm and the priest started reciting.
"Do you take this trap- I mean Juuzou Suzuya as your lawfully wedded uhh-" he trailed off looking left and right.
"...husband???" She nodded smiling
" I do." He turned to Juuzou.
"How 'bout you?" He nodded frantically.
"Then you can kiss the bride." He said towards the crowd, still unsure who was the bride. The girl tossed her hair which was collected into a ponytail over her shoulder and leaned in, about to kiss him in a manly way before she was grabbed by Juuzou and instead dragged down to his height and kissed.
The aftermath of her daydream consisted of them jumping on a bike and driving away while some random dude chased behind.

"......." (Y/n) was completely speechless with herself
Juuzou tilted his head smiling and suddenly got up.
"Well, let's celebrate!"
"Huh what for?"
"Cause we are now dating dummy!" The girl's face flared.
"When did I agree?!"
"Why? Do you not want to?" He stared at me with what seemed to be puppy eyes. She sighed for what seemed to be her one hundredth time this evening.
"... I guess I do... Want to date I mean." He fist pumped the air screaming "Ya~ho!~"
"Gosh my boyfriend is such a puppy..."She muttered. He spun around and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"What did you call me?!" He shouted excitedly as his eyes glittered.
"Puppy?" He shook his head
"No, before that!" The girl looked away slightly embarrassed.
"What did I say?"
"You called me your boyfriend! I heard it" he hugged her waist and stared up at her.
"Noooo..." She said covering her lower face.
"Yesssss..." He responded grinning widely and nuzzling into her neck.
"You are seriously a puppy."
"But I'm you're puppy, right?" She looked away, half smirking.
"I guess."

I just realised I had this set as a draft for All this time haha.... (Sorry qwq)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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