Hospital of Horror(Sample of whats to come)

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Dr. Yoshika grabbed his lab coat and coffee as he continued his casual conversation with the beautiful Dr. Rhonda Summer. They had been discussing advances in blood transfusion tech and its application in curing all forms of inflammatory disease.

There was a hard line between how many lives it would save vs how many medical professions would become obsolete. He really enjoyed just hearing her speak so knowledgably on a subject he was very interested in. His own male colleagues didn't know half as much. Unfortunately, he would often remember with dismay, they were both married.

"So, you see", Dr. Rhonda continued, "a whole new window of opportunity would open because of this advancement. True that much retraining would be required, but I have full confidence that there will in fact be even more positions than before available with this advancement. And even more than that..."

Suddenly Yoshika stopped midstride, a puzzled look on his face. He was glancing through the small window of a door to a break room. He moved over to it, seeming to forget Dr. Rhonda was even there.

With a nervous laugh she said, "Dr. Yoshika....", but he ignored her and burst through the door, seemingly quite irritated.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You are banned from this premises."

Dr. Rhonda rushed into the room behind him and saw that he was indeed confronting the recently made notorious Dr. Joziah Wilhelm. He had been banned from the hospital for some inhumane experiments he had been doing at his personal residence. How he wasn't in prison for them no one knew.

The small statured man was calmly pouring a cup of coffee for himself, seeming to pay little attention to Yoshika's advance. Little did either of them notice the large figure in the trench coat on the other side of the door, whose appearance was entirely covered by a large brim hat and the collars of his jacket.

"I'll give you one more chance to leave before I have you escorted, by authorities if I have to have them called."

Joziah finally turned to Yoshika at this, a pleasant smile on his face.

"Ah, Tenzo. It's pleasant to see you again. I hear your well on your way to becoming Resident of the whole eastern corridor. Congratulations."

Joziah attempted to put a hand on his shoulder but Tenzo smacked it away, even smacked the coffee out of Joziahs hand and reinforced, "Leave now, before I make you regret ever showing your twisted face here."

Joziah ignored him once more and shot a glance at Rhonda, a sinister smile emerging on his face.

"It's nice to see you again as well, Ms. Summer. I never got that final payment to you."

Dr. Rhonda, under the belief Joziah was a goodwill veterinarian, had been regularly bringing a variety of lab animals to Joziahs residence while he claimed to be ill. In reality he had been preforming sick experiments on them. She looked away from him in shame, almost breaking out in tears. Tenzo seemed to just now remember she was even there.

A mixture of embarrassment for her and anger at Joziah, he turned to her and said, "Please, you shouldn't be here. Go alert the front desk to call the authorities."

She quickly hurried off, glad to have an excuse to leave, and Tenzo entered the room fully, the door closing behind him. He began to rant at Joziah once more, feeling a personal vendetta being fulfilled that he hadn't even realized he had against the man until now.

Joziah interrupted him, though, and said, "Oh, how rude, I haven't introduced you to my colleague."

Tenzo didn't turn to see who Joziah referred to, but he felt the hot breath at his back. He heard the heavy breathing, smelt the putrid stench. He froze in place, somehow knowing something dark and terrible was in the room with him. Joziah took this moment to put a hand on his shoulder once more and say, "I'll leave you two to it then.", a satisfied grin on his face, and left the room.

Tenzo slowly turned to the trenchcoated figure who in turn began to disrobe, revealing that it was in fact a monstrosity. A massive Pitbull like head but with green scaly skin and a mouth like if a venus fly trap had sharks' teeth. His body was a massive muscular spectacle and, in the center, most horrifying of all, a set of massive teeth clenched vertical up his torso.

Just as Tenzo began to scream for help, the massive chest teeth opened and giant tongue with a suction appendage at the end latched onto his face covering it entirely. It began slowly dragging him in, his flailing arms and punches doing nothing. Once his body was sufficiently inside, the teeth slammed shut and the doctors body snapped like a twig, being swallowed up completely seconds later.

The monstrosity let out a belch from the mouth on its face and what would pass for a grin emerged on it. A few moments later, the large teeth on its chest reopened and a large slimy sack fell out onto the floor. It was pink with large blue veins running throughout it, the center seeming to have something moving around inside. It began wriggling violently until one by one six spiny legs cut through the membrane and lifted the sack off the ground.

Then, a disfigured version of Yoshika's face popped out of the front, only now with six unevenly placed eyes and large teeth protruding from his mouth. It gave a glance to the monster, then scanned the room, then crawled up the wall and entered into an air vent, disappearing to somewhere deeper into the hospital.

Satisfied, the monster moved over to the window of the room, smashed through it, and began scaling the wall up to the roof. Below in the parking lot, two police cruisers pulled in. The monster gave them a glance, then his color morphed to match the white hospital siding, camouflaging him completely as he moved to the roof, headed for the buildings water reserve.

Joziah's mission was still active. A direct protégé of Titus Maximus himself, he felt a great swell of pride every moment of his last seven years. Helping fulfill a plan he knew would change the fate of humanity forever. No longer would they be simple bipedal, one track humanoids.

With their scientific advancements, endless possible mutations would grace this otherwise monotonous planet with a whole new host of organism, all with a single purpose. Ahead of him, just down the hall, he saw two attractive young people in lab coats, probably interning. They seemed quite giddy with each other.

The male seemed to be trying to convince the female of something she was feigning objection to, but with little resistance, he pulled her into the supply closet next to them, giving only a cursory glance around believing no one had seen them enter. Joziah put a hand in his pocket and lightly tapped his fingers on the thick metal vial in it. He had found his host. 

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