some psychoteeth shit. Mavin, Psycho killer Gavvy wavvy where Michael falls right into one of his little traps.

No one thinks of who people really are. When you're walking down the street and you walk past a random stranger you dont think of what they do in their free time. And its not just with strangers, but your friends too. Theres little things people do that no one knows about; I bet theres something you do that you've never told anyone, and so do I. But Gavin Free's little hobby happens to be feeling as powerful as possibe, and in the worse way. Most people get the rush of being powerful by doing something as simple as playing a video game, but Gavin needs so much more. He loves the feeling he gets when his knife pierces his victim's skin, and the life fades from there eyes as their body slowely loses life. He loves the rush more than he loves anything else on Earth. His favorite part is the realization, when his victim finally realizes that Gavin is not what he seems, Instead of being a nice brittish man with a cheerful smile and a normal life, hes a psychopathic power junkie.

Gavin was now slowely driving around a crowded store parking lot in the middle of the night, looking for his next victim. After a few minutes of searching he finds the perfect victim, he could tell he would be one hell of a fighter. The man was walking into the large super store. Gavin observed him for a few minutes, he was tall, probably about 5'8, just a little bit shorter than Gavin. He looked fit with only slight muscles almost showing from under his shirt. Gavin liked that about him, he liked that this man looked fit enough to fight back if he had the chance, the thought of his soon-to-be new toy making a hopeless attempt to escape and giggled to himself. He noticed the man had curly brown-red hair that reached the top of his ears, he wore a beanie over it which helled most of it to his head. Gavin sighed when the man entered the store before revealing his pretty face to him.


Gavin watched the doors to the store for nearly an hour before the man finally retearned, it was now becoming dark as the sun set. His soon-to-be victim walked to his car and drove off to the west, Gavin followed behind until a car seperated them. Gavin followed the man all the way to his house and parked a few blocks away after noting the appearence of the small buidling the man had entered. He slowely walked to the house and tried to find any hint at the mans name, and more importantly, if he lived with anyone else. Over the years Gavin has found different ways to figure out peoples names, from welcome mats to things like car decails. Gavin finaly found his victims name plastered onto the letter bin written neatly white cursave lettering. "Michael Jones" Gavin whispered, "Well, Michael time to have some fun" he smiled and opened the door quietly, knife in hand. "Not such a good idea to leave the door unlocked, Michael, even in this part of the city." Gavin thought as he sneaked into the living room, silently leaving the door closed behonf him. Gavin was currently standing in what he assumed to be the living room, it had a large HD telivison with an x-box 360 and x-box one connected to it. The room was an off white color and the only other piece of furniture in it was a small coffee tavle and a light brown sofa accross from the TV. Gavin stood in the living room in complete silence waitng to hear noise, when he finally did it came from another room to the left of him. He slowely opened the door to the kichean and saw Michael's back turned to him as he fixed items in his fridge to attempt to fit more in. This was one of Gavins favorite parts of catching his victims. He slowely crept up behind Michael and stood behind him with his knife facing him. After a few seconds Michael finally noticed Gavin in the reflection of his fride and gasped as Gavin quickely held the knife to Gavin's throaght. Gavin smiled and used his other hand to hold Michael close to him, he could feel Michael heart beating and heavy breaths coming from him. 'Hello Michael, it was awful dumb of you to leave your door unlocked or else you probably wouldnt be in this situation right now would we?" Gavin chuckled.

Michael bhreathed out heavily "what the fuck are you going to do with me? kill me here? try. I'll scream before you have a chance." Michael said bitterly.

"Oh Michael! theres no need to curse, and would you want to take the risk of dying just to kill me? Now why dont you be a good little boy and come with me" Gavin said cheerefully.

"Why should I?" Michael whispered.

"Well, if you dont" Gavin whispered, holding the knife closer to Michaels throat, "we're going to have a bit of a mess"

Michael made an audible gulp but agreed and was walked out of his own home and into Gavins small car. Gavin tied a small blood stained cloth around gavins mouth and another one around his eyes, he then tied him to the floor by his hands and feet as Michael squirmed and wiggled, trying to at least free his eyes. Gavin could'nt help but chuckle as he watched Michael attempt to break free, when Michael heard him laught he stopped squirming, knowing it would just amuse the crazed man. Gavin let out a huff and began to drive.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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