Book 1 Germany to Bel Air

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Part 1

The plane was floating at cruise altitude over the Atlantic Ocean. Her  nose was dry and her eyes wattery.

She pushed the stewardess button, and in her near native German language asked for cold water, without fizz. "These Germans , she  thought, they love their fizzy water."

Returning to the fluffy clouds scenery, her head grew heavy. In all the hectic with the packing and the stress and all the bad luck, she had forgotten to feel. Maybe going back home was just what she needed. Friendly faces, nice people, the town she grew up in would be my bandAid. For what, that Cora could not even admit to herself.

All she wanted was to crawl  bed, sleep off the jetlag and go to work ; hoping the routine would jolt her in a better mood then she had been having for the past year.

Coralinn had been working for the same pharmaceutical company for 10 years in Germany. The last time she had visited her home town was more than 6 years ago.

Now, her company was buying a big piece of a company that also had a production line, and since it was in her hometown in the US, they were sending her to oversee the whole process.

Her parents were so excited about the news they cheered on the phone. Maybe if Coralinn had called them earlier, and not from the terminal, 5 seconds before she borded the plane, they would have had time to prepare. Or at least fill her in on the lastest news on the home front.

All she knew wright now was that she had to get some sleep , and the plane ride was the best place to do it.

- I wish you would stop looking out that window and talk to me. I came all the way to Germany, land of the Bratwurst, to come and help you move back home, the minimum you can do, is talk to me on this million hour flight.

Her sister ,Josephine,  sitting next to her, was right.

She was a beautiful woman, 5 years her senior and twenty times more beautiful then she knew. Bright green eyes and dark brown hair cut into a very sleek bob made her look stunning. Selfmade bussiness woman. Full of heart. Full of love. Powerfull. Independent. And nosy. And lovably gossipy. But her sister nontheless.

- You know why you came, you wanted an European adventure before your impending wedding. Coralinn came down her high horse, touched her arm, and rested her head on Josephine's shoulder.

- I am sorry Jo, I am really jetlagged. We can talk more after I get some sleep.

- Coralinn, you only get jetlag after you get off the airplane.

- Thats why you are the big sister Jo. She winks at her  sister playfully but she see it in her face. The worry. "I can tell her all about it as soon as I get some sleep, she says to herself,  and some of Jerry's cooking in my stomach". 

Part 2

Her name is Coralinn. Coralinn  Geller. A petit sandy-haired 30 year old from Bel-Air. Her parents are Jack and Judy Geller. Her big sister Jo is a wedding planner and her parents, now retired from theyr big city jobs, help her with her bussiness.

Coralinn, on the other hand, was the one that ran to Germany on a student visa when she turned 18, and started working for the Pharma company when she was 20. Coralinn was the one that they let fly. While she was summering in Prague, her sister was building an empire. While Coralinn was hopeing her ass off for just a callback from some job, her sister was making connections left and right.

That is why she was so surprised when Jo called her out of the blue, a few days ago.

- Koko, this is Jo. I am comming to visit you in Germany my dear. Me and Bryce are having separate batchelor parties.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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