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Despite what everyone thought, Hermione did not want to go back to Hogwarts after the war. Being one of the heroes of the war, she had been offered several positions throughout the Wizarding world.

Ron and Harry went into the Auror force, and she decided to pursue the Department of Mysteries. It was the best opportunity presented to her; the challenge of the position was also too tempting to pass up.

Her latest assignment had her looking at Time Turners and how they affect a wizard's mind. She already had some experience with this, so they figured she would be perfect for the position. Her supervisor showed her how to properly use the Time Room, reminding Hermione, almost fondly and with great amusement, of how the last person (now aged past two hundred) had attempted to use it.

The room was not supposed to be used in a selfish manner. Instead, it could show you various times in history. As long as you weren't demanding it to take you to a certain place, at least. The room had a mind of its own, doing as it pleased. It quickly became her favorite place to be and, in turn, the room seemed to like her.

Which was why she didn't quite understand why, when she walked out of it this time, the Ministry was different. The robes of the wizards were slightly different, not to mention she couldn't recognize anybody within those robes. They looked at her just as confused.

She quickly left the Ministry and Apparated home. Except this wasn't her home. The Muggles inside screamed as she showed up in the middle of their living room.

Panicked, she quickly erased their memories of the incident and disappeared to the only place she hoped had never changed: Hogwarts.

The old castle looked the same and the magic tingled over her skin just as it did when she first came.

It was about dinner time, and she really only knew that because the sun already set low over the horizon – she would always miss the sunsets in the Great Hall.

Ignoring her nostalgia, she quickly made her away into the castle and along the familiar paths to the Headmaster's office.

She hoped McGonagall would be able to help her figure out what happened.

"I don't believe you are supposed to be here."

Hermione gasped, whirling around to stare straight into the face of a younger Albus Dumbledore. This was impossible.

"P-professor Dumbledore!"

The old man looked at her with a calm smile.

"Perhaps we should go to my office and discuss how you wandered onto the grounds."

She could only nod and follow him through Hogwarts.

The castle looked the same overall, but there were small things that she could tell had changed. Certain portraits were moved and there was a lack of damage from the war.

The infamous black mark against the wall leading to the Headmaster's office, courtesy of the Weasley twins, was also gone.

"Up here," he told her gently as the Gargoyle moved aside.

"Let us talk about how you came here."

Hermione nodded and went up into the familiar office. It hadn't changed since the Dumbledore she knew had been here.

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