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Welcome, thank you so much for coming to read the beginning of Blood Ties, I'm super excited for this book. I have been working long and hard on figuring out how to write this book. 

So for starters, an introduction to me, Marissa! I'm currently in college, so writing times will be a bit sparse, so forgive me there. 

Second, my computer sometimes doesn't want to work so if you see a misspelled word, please comment that would be great. I will be editing this entire story after it is all published, but if you see it and it annoys you, comment please lol.

Third, this is a really big cast guys, the total number of characters in this book is like 70+. So forgive me :) and I promise to add in pictures so you guys can see what each character looks like.

Fourth, there are going to be two sides to the story. The first side will be from the main character's POV (Callie's) and the other side will be any other character whether being a bad guy, a clan member or some creatures POV, those will be different chapters.

So now to the warnings, I have rated this book as mature because the scenes I have thought of can be a little 18+ rating. So here are the warnings:

- Graphic violence

- Graphic sexual scenes

- Cursing

And before I forget, I want to give a shout out to briannaboynton12 for making this cover. This is beautiful, thank you! And lastly, want to thank my fellow author and sister lovelylittle_liar for helping me figure out my writing and listening to my endless rants and speeches as I tried to figure out my fucking outline. Now, enjoy Blood Ties.

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