Chapter 3- Changing For The Better

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Sonic woke up, from the couch, what woke him up was an argument, he rubbed his eyes and got up from the couch to see what the noises were, he popped his head around the corner, and saw that Infinite was having an argument with his siblings. He was so occupied with war that he forgot that Manic and Sonia were coming to visit as soon as the war clear up.

"I don't know what your doing here, but I will not have my brother hangout with someone that wanted to kill him!" The Magenta Hedgehog growled

Sonic was going to step in and say something but he couldn't bring himself to do it, he could only watch and felt ashamed of himself, he never told his siblings that he was gay, because he was scared they wouldn't support, the only people that he trusted to know his secret, was Tails.

"Sonia Calm down, I'm sure he has a good explanation for being here" A Green Hedgehog with crazy out of control quills

"No I will not calm down, he doesn't deserve to be here after what he did to our friends and our brother!" Sonia yelled

"I know what I did was wrong, and I'm not asking forgiveness, I just want to be here, to start a new life" The Jackal started

What Infinite said made shocked Sonic, Manic and Sonia, all three of them couldn't believe what they are hearing, suddenly the door was busted open and more of Sonic's friends show up.

"Sonia we came as soon as you called." A pink hedgehog wearing a red and white dress, behind her was a red echidna, a black and red hedgehog, a white hedgehog, followed by a purple cat, and the rest of the Resistance.

"Wait!!" Sonic said running in front of the Jackal

"Sonic What the hell?" The black and red hedgehog yelled at the blue hedgehog

"Don't hurt him, he's here to change the trouble that he did to us, everyone deserves a second chance." Sonic said

The purple steps up "He's right, everyone deserves a second chance."

"Thanks Blaze." The blue hedgehog said look at the purple cat

Sonic friends moved to another room to talk before agreeing

The red echidna was first to speak "We'll give you a second chance."

"Thank you Knuckles!" Sonic said hugging The Red echidna

For the rest of the day, everyone gets to know Sonia and Manic's life before the war happened. Soon everyone took their leave.

Infinite smiles at Sonic "Well I'm glad that your friend decided to give me a second chance."

Sonic nods and hugs Infinite

The Jackal looked into the hedgehog's eyes, oh how much he want to kiss the blue hedgehog's lips but instead he still refrain from doing so.

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