My OCs

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Alexa Lestrange
Harry Potter
Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle.

Lex was never the easiest to get along with. Wherever she was, tragedy followed. This made her bitter and angry. She was forced to be a Death Eater to keep her friend, Luna safe. Lex was the eighth horocrux. ( In this there were eight) To stop Voldemort they had to kill her. She had her cousin/ brother figure, Draco do it. He stabbed her right in the heart. She died, and was ready to let go when something, or someone pulled her back to the real world. I brown eyed boy in a red onsie, begging her not to die just yet. So Lex fought back, and resurrected herself. She woke up at her father's feet. He said there in triumph, there was no remorse in his face as he gazed down at his own daughter's broken body. All around her, Lex's classmates cried. Even her aunt Narcisca sobbed, her usual stony facade removed. After the battle she locked herself in a room for a week, refusing to speak or come out. She blamed herself for what happened for awhile.

She is bitter, remorseful, fierce, snarky, prickly, and has a soft spot for smol beans like Peter. She is loyal and self less, and guarded. Lex isn't very open about her emotions. She's very cunning and ambitious. She believes in the ends justifying the means. She is very Slytherin. She hates being vulnerable because it feels whiny.

She is bitter, snarky, and doesn't handle anyone's emotions very well (including her own)

She is loyal and selfless. She doesn't let anyone get in her way.


Peter Parker

Hoodie- Hey, Violet, Gasoline- Halsey, Warrior- Demi Lovato, For The Love Of A Daughter- Demi Lovato

October, 7

Pizza, quiet, sushi, ballet, rock, late nights, sunsets.

Cake, chaos, spiders, early mornings, country music, her death eater tattoo, naive people, fake people.

Darkness, skulls, green, a sneer, curly hair.

Leather jackets, black jeans, chokers, she usual has her hair in a messy bun, high heel boots, red lipstick, sharp eyeliner.

Wizard powers, she is a snake animagus.

Draco and Luna

Astrid Berges-Frisbey

Lex has a scar on her chest from where Draco 'killed' her

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Lex has a scar on her chest from where Draco 'killed' her. She had been battling her inner demons for awhile after the battle of Hogwarts. It left her with extreme PTSD. She had to get therapy for awhile after. She still frequently gets attacks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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