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Panda was once again chasing after Ice Bear, gasping for breath and desperate for a break. He began to wonder if he should have listened when Grizz suggested his buy one of those motor scooters. Maybe it would have been a smart investment after all. 

"Ice Bear! You go on ahead! I'll catch up!", Panda called to his younger sibling. Ice Bear said nothing in response, instead he continued running forward after their older brother. 

Panda groaned an leaned against a nearby tree. Even though his brother was out there roaming about, he had no second thoughts about taking some moments just for himself. He was tired, his legs were tired and every fiber in his being was screaming at him to do back in the cave and just crash on the couch. 

Ice Bear trekked on all by himself. He had a feeling that Panda would not be able to keep up. But he understood that the last two days had been a lot harder on Panda. He continued on in the forest looking around for any sign of where Grizz went. As if an answer for his prayers a loud bellow sounded through the trees, causing birds perched on branches to fly off in fear. 

"What was that?", Panda asked fearfully. 

"Grizz", Ice Bear answered. "Sounds close."

Ice Bear took off towards the sound, hoping that wherever Grizz was, he wasn't going to take off again. 

He heard another loud noise ahead and knew that he was close. 

"Shut up, will you!?", a foreign voice made the polar bear stop in his tracks. 

"Hey, Ice! Wait up!", Panda called after him. Ice Bear rushed up to Panda and covered his mouth. 

"Someone else is here", Ice Bear warned, taking his paw away from his brother's mouth. 

Ice Bear and Panda crept through the forest and found the source of both the noise and the voice. 

Just ahead of the both of the Grizz was held captive in a large cave. Still in his bestial form Grizz roared again at the man keeping him captive. 

"Oi! I said shut it! I would behave if I were you, after all I got ways in dealing with beasts like you", the hunter threatened. Ice Bear and Panda gasped as the hunter lifted his shirt to reveal a knife sheath. He pulled the blade out, revealing that it was rather large, having a serrated blade.

Panda gasped as he saw Grizz cower a bit at the sight of the blade. Panda looked to his side to see Ice Bear already rushing off to do something. He felt his heart nearly stop. He had no idea what to do, so he ran off to follow. 

This is crazy, this is stupid, this is insane!, Panda thought to himself as he ran to meet with Ice Bear. 

"What in the-?", the hunter shouted in confusion as Ice Bear made his presence known. 

"Ice Bear demands you stop", the polar bear said, standing tall. 

"Yeah, G-Grizz is our brother. And we're not gonna let you hurt him!", Panda yelled, standing next to his brothers. 

"Oh, a polar bear and a giant panda, too! The three of you will fetch me a lot of coin!", the hunter cackled, thinking that something above must have hand delivered these rare bears straight to him. 

The hunter drew his blade once again and lunged at the bears. Ice Bear managed to jump out of the way. Panda tired to do the same, but he wasn't fast enough. The hunter pounced on him. 

"Ha! An easy catch!", the hunter taunted. He wrapped his arm around Panda's neck and brandished his knife. 

"Ice! Help!", Panda cried out. 

"Ah, ah, ah", the hunter warned. "Any closer and the panda gets it!" Ice Bear tested that bluff by taking a step forward and the hunter swiftly brought the knife to Panda's throat. "I'm warnin' ya!"

Ice Bear had no idea what to do. He had to save Panda, but if he tried the hunter would no doubt hurt Panda. 

Grizz took a look around him. He saw his youngest brother Ice Bear and could smell the fear emanating from him. He looked to his other brother, Panda and saw that he was in danger. He could see that the hunter was trying to hurt him. 

A loud groaning noise sounded. Ice Bear, Panda and the hunter all looked on in surprise as Grizz's claws tore through the metal bars, ripping off the latch and freeing himself. 

"What in the--?", the hunter yelled. Now he had another problem on his hands.

He released Panda and aimed his knife at Grizz. Ice Bear saw his opportunity and swatted his paw at the hunter, knocking the knife out of the hunter's hand. 

Before the hunter could properly act Grizz reared up and pinned him down. 

"Wait. No, no. Please!", the hunter pleaded for the werebear not to hurt him. 

"Grizz! Wait!", Panda called to the giant bear. "You don't have to do this!"

"Grizz is good bear", Ice Bear added. 

Grizz snorted and turned back to the hunter, snarling. He stepped off of the hunter amd snorted again. 

"I think you should leave", Panda said in a serious tone. 

"And never come back", Ice Bear added. 

The hunter looked back and forth fearfully seeing those bears staring him down. 

Grizz roared at the scared man and he took off running. 

"Man, I'm glad that's over..." , Panda sighed in relief. 

"Is Panda okay?", Ice Bear asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine", Panda nodded. "Grizz."   

Grizz still stood in front of them. He simply looked at both of his brothers. 

"Grizz, thanks for your help back there", Panda thanked his older brother. 

"Grizz was great, saved bros", Ice Bear nodded. 

"Come on we should head home. All of us", Panda said. Grizz made a low growl. Panda and Ice Bear turned around and starting for the cave. To both of their surprise of both of them Grizz actually followed them. 

"You're actually listening to us!", Panda beamed. 

"Ice Bear will made extra large dinner for big bro", Ice Bear said. 

Upon hearing that Grizz grunted and took off for the cave. 

"Hey, Grizz! Wait for us!", Panda called as he and Ice Bear ran after the werebear once again. 

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