A Chance Arrangement

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~Heather's POV~

She made her way to the library, up the long winding staircase and through the dimly lit hallway that never seemed to reveal that it was daytime, there were no windows here only cold stone carved with the occasional unusual image. She passed beneath the tall doorway that was simply a gap in the stone walls, allowing Heather to marvel at the beauty of the library as soon as she looked inside. Heather loved her books as much as she loved her bow, this library was like nothing she had ever seen before. Bookcases that reached the ceiling filled to the brim with magnificent leather bound books, decorated with images, patterns, words from all sorts of languages. There were windows in the walls here, allowing light to shine on all the glory of this room, she felt at home here.

Heather had not known how long she had been browsing, but when she looked at the window, it was dark outside. Have I really been here all day..
She had been there all day, finding so many interesting books, the next more fascinating than the last.
I should really write that letter to Jon now...
She set down the book she was looking at and grabbed a quill, some ink and parchment from an old oak drawer placed next to a quaint nook nestled in the stone. Heather was not sure if it was meant for humans to sit there but she was small enough to fit perfectly, so she did just that.

Dear Jon,
I know you must be busy with whatever it is you're doing, however I do hope you'll find time to write back. I miss you dearly and I would like to know that you are well. Things are strange here, at first I woud've sooner taken the black than come here...but things have turned out to be not so bad..

Heather wrote about Arya and Sansa too, and signed it off, sealing it with the Stark seal.
"Quite comfy there my dear?"
Heather's eyes lit up involuntarily at the familiar voice, and she turned her head to see him there. Lord Baelish in his fine attire. Looking so handsome...
"I beg my pardon My Lord, it was quite comfy..."
Heather swung her legs round and stood up, having to hop off the nook as her feet did not quite touch the ground.
"No need to apologise, it suits you quite well."
That smile..I wish he didn't look so good, he would be easier to not trust if that was the case.
"Why thank you my Lord, I was just writing a letter to my brother. May I ask what you're doing here?"
She waved the letter in her hand upon mentioning it.
"I was searching for you actually, I was quite confident you would be here and I was proved correct. I have good news, the King has authorised you a job."
He smirked proudly, making Heather impatient and excited. Could it be looking after this library? Or the horses perhaps?
"Really so soon? Please do tell me what it is, please!"
She bobbed up and down, as excited as a small child almost. Lord Baelish laughed at her antics, that smirk of his still on his face.
"You will be the squire to Lord Baelish, the Master of Coin. I hear he's a very nice man so you have no need to fear."

Heather's face changed from confusion to a smile in a matter of seconds.
"I could not think of a better job. Thank you."
He stepped closer to her and moved a strand of stray hair out of her face with his left hand, and rested his right hand gently on the side of her upper right arm.
"It is my pleasure...I suppose this will mean we will be spending a lot of time together from now on hmm?"
He spoke softly and smoothly, his voice a deep and arousing tone. He laughed silently as he watched her breath catch in her throat as she searched for a response.
"I cannot help but wonder what we could get up to...."
He smirked as he moved his hands and placed them on her hips. Heather held her breath, enjoying this moment way too much, all she wanted to do was lean into him and kiss him. He was so alluring and attractive...his hands sent tingles through her body, she wanted him to run his hands over her every curve, and claim her for his own.
"I find myself thinking of the things we could do too...."
His smirk never removed, remained on his proud face as he placed one hand on the small of her back, and the other wrapped around carefully yet firm around the back of her neck. He leaned in close so that she could feel his breath on her skin, and his lips brushed her own.
"The things I would do to you my dear...are worth the wait..."
He teased her once more by brushing his lips against hers then took a step back, filled with pride and knowing.
"I have arranged for your chambers to be moved next to mine, I will see you soon my dear Heather."
And with that he turned and glided out, his footsteps ringing against the stone walls in a perfect pattern.

Heather stood there for a while, allowing herself to calm. What is wrong with me...father says he's not to be trusted.
But..I don't know if I can stay away from him...

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