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"I thought this was a Taylor Swift concert." -The lady who walked into the theater premiere

Welcome to a nation filled with war. The British have come to the nation's capital, and have started to burn it to the ground. James Madison and his wife might not make it out alive. The British might win the war. But will they make it out alive? Join us for the next installment of the world famous series "The War of 1812", starring Barry Bee Benson as James Madison, Ben Shapiro in a wig as James Madison's wife, and the Ugandan knuckles, Pepe, Big Chungus, and Who Toucha My Spaghet as the British.

 But will they make it out alive? Join us for the next installment of the world famous series "The War of 1812", starring Barry Bee Benson as James Madison, Ben Shapiro in a wig as James Madison's wife, and the Ugandan knuckles, Pepe, Big Chungus,...

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