Chap 15 A quiet night

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Thank you for everthing guys! For now on tho im not updating till I get more comments and votes! I want to hear ur guys oppinions!!! Should I apply for a watty award?? plz comment

Arianas Pov

Jai...Dead? What did I do to deserve this? I cry. Wet salty tears roll down my face. All of this feels so un real. Like im in a nightmere that never ends! I call Jais brothers. I have to spit out my words. I feel dead inside. I hear the defeat and pain in their voices. They tell me that they are coming to LA to me. I know they want me to be safe and all but, seeing their faces, especailly Lukes will kill me inside. A week passes. It was the worst week of my life. Im sitting on my couch. I look down at my stomach. I got bigger. Its crazy how fast this pregnacy has gone... with all this commotion going on. Im completely dozed off when I get startled by the doorbell. I quietly tip toe to the door. I slowly open the door to see 3 tired looking brothers. They all look in pain but Luke looked dead. They all give me hug except Luke. Which Im glad. I didnt want to hug the clone of my dead boyfriend. No one really talked. It was a quiet night..

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