First Contact |1|

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I'm not crazy, of course, I'm not crazy. My therapist says I'm insane, not in those words, but something similar to that. I'm 'unique' is how she phrases it, it's all just a bunch of her positive thinking bullshit. I'm -not- insane, I'm normal, I'm a normal human being. It's just hard for me to understand feelings, why do people have so many emotions? I don't understand, but it's probably the same reason my dad felt the incessant need to force me into this room. He thinks I need to hash through some trauma, but to be honest, it hasn't affected me. None of my traumatic life has, I'm in a comfortable numbness at the moment. I'm not a pussy, I don't need therapy or to be pushed out of my comfort zone. I was born like this and it won't change, no matter what Ms.Arya tries to 'coach' me through.


3rd person POV

The small little town had always seemed to be stuck in a gloom. Some liked the dark misty air and some despised it.

"'s practically a ghost town here..." the kid grumbled, looking out over the sea of concrete. There were a few people here and there, grudging their way on. "They all look like they want to kill themselves—" he whined.

The kid's dad scoffed, "Hey! Don't say that, that's horrible!" He responded as he pulled into the parking lot of a tall old building. Even the bricked structure looked pale against the grey sidewalk.

Once again, the kid grumbled, "Mmf...I don't understand why we had to move here. This sucks."

"Oh come on! You haven't even given it a chance! It's literally our second day here," his father retorted, "Why don't you go pick us up some snacks while I continue unpacking..." he hummed, opening his wallet, meaning to the boy, it wasn't an offer but an order.

"Ugh...Fine. But if I come back with crap, it's your fault." The kid snorted as he snatched the money from the older man's hand and pushed his door open.


It's hard to say I don't want to feel because I do. I do want to know what it's like, and don't get me wrong, I've felt the basics 'happy!' 'Sad...' 'angry' you stuff. But nothing more than that, it's grown to be something I've missed out on. I want to feel conflicting arguments or tensions, I want to feel love rather than fondness or excitement or joy. You could match those words with a memory of how that feeling worked in your life, but to me it's meaningless letters formed into a sentence, as if I'm staring at it like it's in another language, not being able to even cognitively decide what that word is.

3rd POV

The Blonde kid sat at the counter in his tacky red uniform, he never did know why the owners made the employees wear them, it always made him look like a fast-food worker. He decided not to dwell on it too much.

He checked his faded reflection in the window, the bully had changed up his look recently, thought it'd ward off some kids at school or something. He forgot the exact reasoning, but it's not like it really mattered, he just looked like an even edgier version than before, so for his taste, it wasn't too out of his comfort zone.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the stupid little jingle of the bell rang through the empty aisles of the store. He turned his attention to the door.

There was a small blue-haired guy standing in the doorway. The two stared at one another for what seemed to be hours.

And in that moment one heart started to feel.


That feeling was insane. I don't know what it was or how to describe it. It was just,, wow. How have I been missing this?? This is a wonderful feeling that I -fully- intend to keep.

(AN: Hi! I hope you're liking this so far! It's something new, so let me know how you feel about it. If it turns out to be something you guys like, maybe I'll continue to write more of it. Also lest see if you can try and guess which of our boys is the one in italics, I did my best not to make it obvious, remember that it may not be what you think.  ;^) )

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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