The trial

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1 month later

"Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy. You are standing here in front of the wizengamot today to defend yourself from the following charges. You have helped Death Eaters into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Do you deny it?"

He focused his eyes on the Head Warlock and replied

"No, I do not."

"You have aided them in killing Albus Dumbledore. Do you deny it?"

"No, I do not."

"You took the dark mark. Do you deny it? "

"No, I do not. "Why bring up all my mistakes? Just lock me away and get it over and done with!

"You have used the Imperius curse on Madam Rosmerta. Do you deny it?"

"No, I do not."

"Do you wish to say anything in your defense?"

"No, I do not" Finally, it is over....

There were some whispers among the judges, and Draco could only make out one word from the murmurs. Azkaban. Great....

"You had recognized Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger when they were taken to your home. Do you deny it?"

"No, I do not" He wanted to say he never knew it was them to keep some of his pride, but the Veritaserum wouldn't let him.

"Why did you help them than Mr. Malfoy? Voldemort's greatest enemy, a "blood traitor" and a muggle-born, and you protect them. Why?"

This took him off guard, he wanted to start denying the help, but his lips froze. Those words wouldn't leave his mouth as it would be a lie. He did help them, but he did not want the word to know why. He noticed the trio before from the corner of his eye, but he refused to look at them until now. He couldn't help himself this time; his eyes wandered over to them on their own accord, not waiting for his permission...

He looked at Potter first. He was on the right side, closest to him. He seemed calm. He looked like he was hoping Draco can read his mind; unfortunately, he has never been good at wandless magic. So whatever Potter was trying to tell him will have to wait.

Then he looked at the 2/3 of the trio. Granger. How many times did she appear in his nightmares? Countless. She looked nothing like in his dreams. She was neat, and clean this time, not covered in her own blood. She grew up, he recognized her instantly if not for the bushy hair and buck teeth but for the determined look on her face. He expected her to look at him with disgust, but her eyes were roaming the wizengamot and had a calculating look on her face. Like she was trying to figure out the judges.

Next to her was Weasley. He looked pale, but well-fed and in new expensive robes. Killing the dark lord made them rich. Great... The first rich Weasley in history. And he finally found someone to look at him with disgust. Good. That's what Draco was looking for. Someone to look at him how he deserved it. Of course, most people did look at him that way, but they didn't know him, they just simply rejected him. He and Weasley never did get along, but they still grew up together and they knew each other. And they hated each other.

Then he looked back at the man asking him the questions, and he was almost offended by the kind look the men were giving him.

"I did not protect them!" He didn't, did he? He let them get tortured, let them be taken away as prisoners...

"I ask again. Mr. Malfoy. Your answer could save you from THE kiss. Do you not wish to live? Why did you not hand them over to Voldemort?"

He would lose everything as a Malfoy if he said the truth. He knew it for so long, but he could never act upon it.

"Mr. Malfoy. I want an answer. Now!"

Draco was trying to figure out how can he put things so they would leave him alone, but they also get part of what they want. He will need to give up some of his pride; that's for sure, but he can't throw the Malfoy name into the dirt just like that. Luckily his brain was still in its place, so he came up with the perfect reply.

"Granger saved my life in 3rd year when she sent Hagrid up to the Infirmary with me. I would have bled out as no one else took my injury seriously. The debt is paid."

It wasn't a lie really as it was part of the truth. That was the first time he considered a muggle-born more than the dirt beneath his fingernails. The first time someone actually cared about him. Not because of his name or his money. Just because... because she's good. That was the first time he noticed her...

He felt the Trio's eyes on him, but he kept eye contact with the head Warlock, didn't want to see Grangers face. He dared the warlock to ask another stupid question from him...

"Alright, Mr. Malfoy. Thank you for cooperating" Bullshit! Like I had a choice, you big-headed oaf! "Before we vote I would like to remind everyone about the points Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger and Mr. Weasley made before we started today."

Draco was taken aback. So that's why they here. To make sure he gets the kiss. Or to lock him away into Azkaban forever... Great. Maybe this is good. Noone to tell him how to be a Malfoy anymore and he will close his bloodline indefinitely.

"Please raise your hand if you think the accused should receive the kiss."

Draco held his breath and tried not to look in the eye of each person how raised a hand.

The sad truth is that mudbloods worth the same if not more than his pureblood ever will.


Let me know what you think :) 

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