The Confession

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It was the day of Amy's mother's wedding. She wasn't looking forward to it after the bridal shower catastrophe. Luckily, she had her best friend, Karma at her side. But Amy didn't see her that way anymore.

See, ever since they were faking their relationship to impress Liam Booker, Amy had felt something. Something she wasn't used to, like butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She didn't like it, because she couldn't look Karma in the eye, without wanting to confess her feelings. She wanted to, so much, but it would tear their friendship apart, and she really didn't want that to happen. Truth is, she needed Karma, the only thing that kept her sane, and she couldn't imagine her life without her. If she lost Karma... no. It was too painful to imagine.

The World scared Amy. Her mother's disapproval of her sexuality, constant taunting from Lauren and being seen as an outcast at school filled her with fear and anguish. Karma made all of this slightly okay. They needed each other, in a way nobody else understood. Times around other people with Karma were special. Times alone with Karma were special. Times with Karma generally were special. They made each other laugh until their stomachs were in agony and picked each other up off the ground when times were hard. Without each other, their lives would have been painful.

After Amy's speech at the wedding, and her and Karma were alone, Amy let it all out. The feelings, how she loved Karma. She didn't want to confess to her yet, but after the hints in the speech, it was too obvious to let slide. She spoke about how her mother was marrying her best friend, and how she wanted to do that. Karma was beyond shocked. And then Amy told her she loved her. She was almost alarmed at how Amy had kept this bottled up for so long. But she was confused too. And she said to Amy, after her love for Karma had been confessed, "I love you too... just not like that..." These words killed Amy, like her heart had been torn from her chest and shredded. Life wasn't worth living if she didn't have Karma to live it with. She was scared she had just lost her best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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