Break downs

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Me:"hi what are you doing here Davonte"

D:"I came you see Teja "

Me:"Teja come here "

Teja:"OMG what are you doing here "

D:"I can't stop by and see my ex that's a friend "

Teja:"yes come in "

Diggy:"babe who's here "

Me:"Davonte "

Langston:"as in Tejas ex Davonte "

D:"in the flesh booiii "

Langston:"what the fuck are you doing here"

D:"I'll just come back "

Langston:"don't bother"

Teja:"you're being such an ass"

Next day

Liyah pov

It's the day after the appointment everyone is sleep and I'm down stairs alone thinking about my pregnancy. And I need some alcohol right now so I went a got me some of our strongest liquor and poured me a cup and put it to my lips

Diggy:"whooooa don't drink that "

Me:"why not "

Diggy:"cause your pregnant "


Diggy:"it can hurt the baby "

Me:"ohh ok "

Just then I got a text

Anonymous:"aha you think you can take my man and get away with it , you got another thing coming bitch . And I will kick yo fucking ass I don't care if you pregnant . Just tell Diggy I love him , don't worry to much "

Me:"ummm Diggy "

Diggy:"yes "

Me:"do you like have some crazy ass ex "

Diggy:"yes all of them "

Me:"well how many did you date "

Diggy:"4-5 at the least "

Me:"well do something about it cause I will leave yo ass . And I'm taking my friend with me "

Diggy:"ok what are you taking bout "

Me:shows the text

Diggy:"I know who it is "

Me:"call em right now I know yo bum ass still have her number "



Diggy:"hello "

??:"omg babe you finally called "

Diggy:"yeah I'm not your babe , and why are you texting my girlfriend "

??:"cause she ruined our relationship "

Diggy:"are you kidding me , you ruined it when you cheated on me "

??:"that was different he was only in town for one day "

Diggy:"cut the bullshit you will not touch my girlfriend unborn child , langston, Teja , my family, her family, their families! No fucking body did I make it clear "

??:"yes ........,, for now "


Teja:""ewwww isn't that why you're pregnant now "

Diggy:"no you can't get pregnant by kissing dumb ass "

Teja:"fuck you "

Me:"Teja we have a meeting, and all of us have to go on the Wendy Williams show too"


Diggy pov

Wendy Williams show

Wendy:"hello you guys look wonderful "

Me:"thanks like wise"

Wendy:"diggy, how does it feel that she's pregnant "

Me:"wait you can see my bump"

Diggy:"no babe it was on tmz , and it feels great "

Wendy:"so Teja how does it feel that your friend is in more of a commited relationship "


Teja:"it feels fine because it's not everyday you see a rapper and have kids with him . I actually don't want kids "

Wendy:"but langston does right "

Teja:"I just think he should be more concerned on where I'm coming from "

Wendy:"Langston do you like the idea of not having kids now that your best friend girl is having one "

Langston:"no actually I think she's being real selfish she know how much I want fucken kids and yet her answer is still no "

Liyah:"calm down "

Langston:"no don't tell me to calm down " he held her wrist really tight

Liyah:"ouch you're hurting me"

Me:"man if you don't calm yo foofoo ass down and let go of my girl we gonna have some problems "

Wendy:"umm security "

They took Langston away "

Wendy :"how do you feel Teja "

Teja:"like I'm done you can't be in a relationship if yall want different things "

Wendy:"are yall ever gonna call it quits "

Me:"nope not ever she's not leavein me and I'm not leaving her "

Wendy:"awee power couple "

Teja walked out and liyAh stood up

Wendy:"dang how many months are you "

Liyah:"I'm 2 months "

Wendy:"you look 1 month"

Liyah:"oh thank you "

Wendy:"you can follow them on Instagram @diggysimmons and @gawwwdess_alert

And we will be right back

Later on @ the club Langston wasn't there

Liyah:"babe look Teja Danceing with some one "

Me:"I got it baby just stay here and do drink NOTHING unless I give it to you "

I walk over there

Me:"Teja who is this "

Teja:"chris brown "

Me:"why are dancing with him "

Teja :"cause I'm single and he used to be my bestfriend but he got dicovered "

Me:"ok but you are leaving with us "

Chris:"it's ok her mom is at my place and wants to see her"

Me:"igght , come on babe we are going home "

Liyah:"what about Teja "

Me:"she just needs some time "

Liyah:"ouch DIGGGGGY"

Me:"aww shit u need to get you to a hospital "

What do you think happend to her ?

And was Teja mom really at his house ?

Why do you think Langston didn't wanna come ?

Smooth like that (diggy simmons and Chris brown and langston love story )Where stories live. Discover now