I've got a bad yet somehow good feeling about this...

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"Eh?!" They all exclaimed.

"Kappa-san are you serious?" Takashi exclaimed,

"This isn't allowed right?" Scarecrow asked,

"Are we really gonna put them a dangerous situation like this?" Kiura asked,

"Calm down, calm down. From what I can sense they've been through it before although it depends completely on them." Kappa-san ushered them.

"We'll do it." Shun said,

"That was fast.",

"What are you thinking stupid leader!" You retorted,

"You guys are in trouble right. Than we'll help you take this mafia down." Shun continued,

"Very well than, Firecracker and Reaper you will help them with their training, Rain I want you to make their Mamoiras, and treasure hunt get to work on finding the portal. Listen up, all of them need to come out alive, injuries are tolerable but not death, the Dalanius Familia is dangerous so becareful, now that said get to work!" Kappa-san ordered as he left the room.


"Before you leave for training I need to scan you guys for a bit so I can make the Mamorias.",

"Sure go ahead." Haru replied.

After Arui scanned them Takashi and Radi led them to the training room.

"Hey can I ask you guys something?" Takashi asked,

"Sure go ahead." Arata replied.

"Um... Shun-san right? Why did you accept the offer to help us?",

"It's because this world is gonna end if we don't." Shun replied.

"Say what?",

"Yeah... If we don't help you this 'Tamara' you know will go 'Pakan!' Shun continued,

"Wait, wait. So why is the *Ayau (the end of the world) involved in this?" Scarecrow asked,

"Well you should know right?" Shun replied.

All of them just stood there frozen in silence. The silence finally broke when Iku was brave enough to ask, "What's going to happen? ",

"Heatheroun Dalanius and his mafia have been ordering all sorts of gun powders, shells and nuclear weapons lately. Amedamura and I found out what he was planning to do.",

"What is he going to do?" Aoi asked,

"He plans to blow up the tamara and cause the Ayau." Takashi replied.

"And this is why we'll help you stop him. So let's hurry up to the training room shall we? " Shun said.

They lead the idols to a room covered in metals that had burn marks on them.

"Welcome to the training room. Please don't mind the burns in here because of a certain war between teams that occured yesterday, specificly team 1 and 5." Radi said jokingly,

"Alright, since some of you just became Kaima yesterday so you'll need to learn how to use your bodies. You can use the mock weapons over there, the guns don't have real bullets and the blades are made of wood." Kiura said,

"So we can choose which weapon we want?" Yoru asked as he picked up a throwing knife,

"Yes ,but the users are usually the ones with the weapons. Us kaima have our own ways to fight." Scarecrow replied.

"So now what?" You asked,

"Kill me." Radi said.

The group looked at him in confusion,

"What do you mean?" Kai asked,

"Simple, come at me as if you wanna kill me." ,

"Radi you..." Takashi said as he

"Oh I get it!" Arata said.

He than took a sword and ran towards Radi at full speed swinging the sword at him.

"Slow." Radi said as he dodged and flipped Arata.

"Ow." Arata said as he landed on his back.

"So who's next?" Radi said with a sinister smirk on his face.

"Kay. Stop" Kiura said as she touched his shoulder,

"So this is how we're going to do things. The human group will train with Radi and I while the Kaimas will train with Kiura and Scarecrow." Takashi said,

"So than see you later!", "Yup later." Koi and kakeru greeted as they let the force field, come into place.

Human's side;

"So how are we going to train?" Kai asked,

"First off; concentration, when you fight with Kaima it's always important to remember that you and your partners wave lengths are in sync." Takashi explained,

"I see...It's just like that anime where the characters have to resonate their wave length to weild their weapon partners." Koi said (he's talking about soul eater),

"So we meditate?" You asked,



"No time to waste, let's get started." Hajime said,

"Yeah!" Everyone else agreed.

Kaima side;

"Alrighty than let's see what you can do!" Kiura exclaimed excitedly

"What do you mean?" Yoru asked,

"We'll be running a few tests to see what your abilities are. I got word from Arui that Minaduki-san and Shiwasu-san's abilities have already awakened." Kiura replied,

"I wonder how Arata and the others are doing." Aoi said in a worried tone,

"It's ok i'm sure their fine. Fufufu.", Shun said cheerfully,

"Let's start with the first test. It's just a simple run test." Scarecrow said as he pushed a few buttons.

In the meantime...

"Boom!", a loud explosion filled the room with smoke.

"What happened?" asked Mononoke as he rushed to his partner,

"Oh well... one down 80 more tries to go." Arui said as she got up and dusted herself off,

"Say isn't it time that we see how they're doing." Mononoke asked,

"Yeah, we should get going.",

"What's wrong?",

"Nothing on major. I don't know the reason why the president asked for their help but I've got a bad yet somehow good feeling about this." Arui said as she and Mononoke walked down the hallway.

Author's note:

Just so you know;

Shun - demon type (meaning he has horns, wings and stuff)

Haru - elf / summoner type (his abilites are specifically spells)

Yoru - ghost type (he has the power to float, turn invisible and so on.)

Aoi - bird type ( so basically he's a harpy)

Rui - beast / demon hybrid (he has a beast's ears (droopy from each side) and a tail)

Kakeru - dragon type ( he has a tail but no wings )

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