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First person

Before time, before cell phones, there was the garden; I came to find Adam and Eve covered in leaves hiding themselves. And so, the rivalry between Satan and I began.

To the eating of the apple to the influence you feel in your soul, but at some time we grew an understanding. Some could even call it love. But no one understood, so we had to hide it from the growing world.

But I couldn't control myself with him being in the same plane, let alone the meeting room. I had to do something, so I gave him his own plane. And can I just say, he was the embodiment of temptation (yum.) But we still met up in secret and spent time together.

Third person

Jesus just sat there wide-eyed, dry mouth processing the new information after hearing the story God and Satan sitting half naked in front of him. This all started with Jesus walking in on them "spending some time together."

"Father, it is all right," Jesus said after calming down.
"I-it is?"
"Yes. Of course, this just opens the opportunity of what I've been meaning to tell you." Jesus explained with a smile. Now God was confused.
"And that would be?" Satan questioned, wondering the same thing. Both sitting in anticipation watching the blush spread over his face, neither knowing if it was embarrassment or something else.
"I've been spending quite a bit of time with Gabriel lately." Jesus started growing flustered, his confidence slipping near the end. Both pairs of eyes go wide, not expecting the revolution.
Gabriel runs in "Lord, there's a problem at..." his voice trails off at the scene in front of him.
"Sooo.... what did I miss?"

My lovely editor who puts up with this:LillioftheValy
And the person who made me do this:SavageDragons

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