Chapter 18

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Misae's POV

At least the rest of the laboratory staff are safe even though communication to the mainland has been cut off and it's best if we don't tell anyone about this since it would just cause chaos globally.

We also still don't know what or who is behind this and the director hasn't even tried to establish any contact with us even regarding research. Neither has the mysterious Aoshima corp which funds the lab.

Our mainland banks are also still restricted but there's nothing we can do about that.

"Since the signal I.D for Aoshima is down anyway, it must have been destroyed by the zombies, the only signal I.D we have is the lab's and it only allows us to make calls within the lab." Lionel says.

"Restrained, why should we listen to you? You're not part of the legal authorities!" Miyuki shouts.

"Yeah, you have no right to keep us in here, where's the police? Mr. Sakaki do something!" Hiyori looks towards Sakaki who leans on a wall with a calm, unfazed expression.

"You can't lock us in here especially when something like that happened!" Shin exclaims as I continue to stand calmly in the middle of the small stage in the cafeteria along with Ryo, Ren, Lionel, Naomi and Varuna.

If we reveal who we are then the chances are they'll panic even more or even rebel or get too involved which is something we all don't want to happen.

"Ichiro, the agreement?" Ryo glances at Sakaki as he reluctantly comes up to the stage and stands beside me.

"As much as I'd like to go against this, the incident occurred within the laboratory and we have no choice but to do as they say until we find out what triggered this or if it was due to an accident in the lab and this is a measure to protect you all as the employees' safety is ranked number one in priority in Aoshima corp and this laboratory so there you have it...As much as it pains me to do so, I give them my consent as your assistant director and superior to do what is necessary to make sure no more casualties are made." Sakaki grits his teeth as he deeply bows his head to everyone.

"I know there would be a major uproar if the mainland got a hold of this and because of Mr. Sakaki, I will cooperate." Shin sighs as all the staff reluctantly nod.

"Now I have drawn a list of names as we would like everyone to get into pairs." Ryo places a piece of paper on the stand.

"Hey wait a minute, If we're going in pairs then shouldn't we be allowed to pick pairs?" Miyuki says.

I kind of agree with her, especially since Varuna looks close to becoming an emotional wreck because of Shota and only I've succeeded in calming her down when that happens.

She looks strong on the outside and is trying to be a good role model to the younger female researchers but I know she's close to cracking inside.

"Why? It's not like we're all planning a sleepover with the monsters." Varuna mutters.

"Pairs have already been decided and registration I.Ds have been taken into account and in the morning when you can return to your dorms hopefully, you can hang out in one room with other pairs too if you wish but two people must be together at the same time." Ryo says as he nods to Sakaki.

"Great, we can all plan a social tea party in my room while we wait." Varuna says sarcastically.

Crap, If I'm not paired with Varuna then her partner and probably mine will likely see her outburst and trust me it isn't a pretty sight.

"Shit." I mutter as I check to see I'm paired with Lionel while Varuna is with Ryo and Naomi is with Ren.

"So these zombies have appeared on the island and unless they're shot in the head or chest, they'll continue to attack us and if we get bitten by one, we turn into one?" Shin says in disbelief as everyone nods.

"Why can't we contact the mainland then? Even if it will cause an uproar at least we will be saved." Miyuki says.

"As said before, we cannot make phone calls except within the laboratory since the signal I.D for Aoshima island has been destroyed by the zombies." Ryo sighs.

"To put it shortly, we're completely isolated." Lionel crosses his arms.

"Harsh wording but he is correct." Ren nods.

"Isolated? What?" Miyuki falls off her chair in shock.

"That can't be!" Shin says in disbelief.

"If I didn't see my friend Serena get taken down by those creatures I would've thought this is a cool live-action video game." Hiyori says sarcastically.

"Just who are you guys?"  Sakaki looks at all of us.

"Once again this must not become general knowledge." Ren says as the staff go quiet.

"I'm Ryo Tsuzuki and I'm an agent working for the National Police Agency while Lionel Saito is an active soldier sent from the military and Ren is a leading researcher for the government requested from the higher ups." Ryo says as he takes out his police I.D and Lionel shows Sakaki his military tag.

"I'm ex-military, now FBI agent along with Varuna Asai and Naomi Ishihara is a forensic investigator working for the Japanese Task Force, we were sent here to investigate the rumors surrounding this island." I say as I show my FBI card as Varuna does the same and Naomi takes out her police I.D.

"These are legit...but why would public service officers come undercover here for?"Sakaki examines our I.D's then hands them back to us.

"Ryo, Ren and I are here because we are in connection with the incident that first happened when this laboratory was built two years ago and the girls are here to investigate the rumors." Lionel says as I nod in confirmation.

"Wait Lionel, don't say anything more." Ryo says as Lionel nods.

"We don't know yet whether the original incident and this incident are related or not so if we tell you the rest, it will just cause even more unneeded panic." Ryo says.

"We have told you all the necessary information now we expect you to cooperate with us." Ren says.

"So do you have a way to fix this then? Because we can't stay trapped here forever, the town is probably infested by those creatures too and eventually our supplies will run out." Sakaki says as the door bursts open and we ready our guns.

"Keas, you're alive and Sayaka too!" I say in shock as they walk in covered in mud and dirt.

"It's true those creatures have stormed the town too and there's so many of them, we barely escaped." Keas says out of breath.

"We had to take the sewers since they're everywhere in town." Sayaka says in disgust wipes some of the dirt off with a towel.

"And what of Shota?" Varuna asks.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it." Keas says softly.

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