Post-Shippuden Era

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(I'm not calling it a Boruto Era because I personally don't care for Boruto. Sorry)

1: Everything after the war has died down, and life is beginning to go back to normal. Some are still grieving, some are celebrating. All of your friends invite you out to eat to celebrate the win and toast to new life. Do you go with them, or is there something else on your mind?

2: The war has come and gone, and life has returned somewhat to how it was before. There seems to be something floating through the village, and it's not just sakura petals. Could it be... love?!

3: You're put on a team to locate and eliminate an elite group of rogues. This task won't be an easy one, but after your experience in your training and the war, you're more than ready.. right?

4: Make one up!

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