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Half a month has passed and Chorus rehearsal was happening. We were practicing. Zander has been a Jerk all day not only to me but to his brother too. We went on stage and formed our lines. I stood in my spot in front of Zander. The chorus teacher was turned around talking to the rest of the choruses that were sitting. Zander leaned forward in my ear and asked. "Can I slap your ass." He knew I was mad at him. I rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood. "No!" I said. His brother heard and said "don't listen to her assert your dominance." He slapped my ass. I got so triggered in that moment I couldn't think. I just turned around real fast and squeezed his balls. I was so pissed. I gave him a look that dared him to mess with me again. I turned back around all preppy like pretending nothing happened. Rehearsal passed by. Zander was being an idiot pretending he was gonna fall off the top of the risers. It was time for the solo rehearsals. It was Alyssas turn to sing. She stared at Zander as she sang.
"🎶Oh it's impossible to get you off my mind. I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99. I've understood that you will never be mine. And that's fine. I'm just breaking inside🎶." When she was done I clapped cuz damn she was good. I was of course a little jealous. But she was still really good.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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